Saturday, December 12, 2009

What Does Arsenic Taste Like

Calling all

[ UPDATE - Apparently, contrary to what was stated in that appeal to everyone, that Cogeco would work to satisfy our request.]

I appeal Adélois order to get their hands on the registration of the council meeting held in March 2009. I know many readers record the board meetings. This March we are particularly interested, but Cogeco does not seem to have the demand.

If you own this recording, you can connect with me at this email address:

Thank you for your cooperation

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Brazilian Wax How Long Does It Take To Heal

St. Misery, pray for us! It's funny

"Misery Saint, pray for us!

is the litany I heard a terrible October night, a few years ago, while I was hunting in a remote corner of the county of Labelle.

I entered a settler's hut where eight young children, dressed in sackcloth, devoured, as huddled in the corner of misfortune, of buckwheat pancakes. The mother ragged, leaner than snags along this sinister place, looked infinitely far this horrible existence. I noticed that his eyes, his eyes clouded above all an indefinable sadness, no longer kept any glimmer of intelligence. They were deep, cellared, identified, excavated, dug not by lust but hollowed by hunger, sunk by fear, dug misery.

The unfortunate father, a man of thirty years ago and seemed to have fifty, broken in half, broke through labor, no longer had a human face but a mask suffering and submission, a bag of bones or badly burned better strain. His hands rested on the color of earth and the table of unnecessary tools. It was not a man who looked at me, but a beast.

There are no words in any language to describe the awful silence that was when I entered the lair. And as if I myself was in the house, I approached the stove without uttering a word.

Unable longer to endure such a sight, I decided to talk and ask questions. I finally know that these unfortunate people did not eat butter, no dairy, no bread, no meat for just eighteen months. In addition, the colon was under two charges: one for plundering timber and the other for selling some books trout. I remember the rain suddenly began to fall. And it rained as much in our minds that this hut twelve by sixteen feet, where breathing barely ten damned marked with the sign of tuberculosis and terrible sign of "national" of rickets.

I offered the mother a few dollars I had in my pocket.
- I have not the strength to say thank you, "she said. And she burst into tears. "

never forget that the pioneers who built this country there is a sudden misery. This excerpt a pamphlet Valdombre - pseudonym of Claude-Henri Grignon - reminds us in a cruel testimony to truth. A text that touched me.

Preview: The pamphlets Valdombre , 1 st October 1937 p. 477

Photo: Claude-Henri Grignon, in his famous attic of the house in the Rue Morin, Sainte-Adèle (courtesy of Peter Grignon).

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Can Kidney Stones Cause Discharge

It makes me feel funny to revive this blog. I just to read all posts since 2006. What memories! Some epic periods - including that of reminders - I was plunged back into eras that were intense in many ways. Since I posted Blog-Notes, I met many interesting people. I made many friends, making the lie to the cliché is that the Internet isolates people, confined in virtual relationships. This is false, archifaux!

But I want to make changes to this site. First, I'll probably go from Blogger to Wordpress. Second ...., I do not know yet. Abandoning is too new, I'm still in limbo. I have to think about what comes next and thinking undoubtedly influence the new content-Notes Blog.

I'm open to suggestions ...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Replacing The Info.plist Sims 3 On Mac

I'm back!

I prepare my return in the blogosphere! When, how and in what form and with whom? Dunno!

you soon

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Casinò Mario Salieri Preview Streaming

Future Blog-Notes

Well, now that is online, I still have to make a decision important for this blog: close it or continue. occupy my time. What will remain there for Blog-Notes? One thing is certain: Municipal, finito for this book.

A more personal blog? Capsules of reflection, humor, mood? Dunno! A group blog theme? Maybe. Furthermore, I'm sick of Blogger platform too rigid, antediluvian, pulling the leg and wing beats. If I persist and sign, it will be on Wordpress.

The advantage of a blog, in my opinion, lies in the interaction with readers. Many say that the important thing is to write for himself. Not for me. I write for others, because if I wrote that for me, I would not write anything. My cup of tea is communication, the clash of ideas, debates, points of view. But since I enabled comment moderation, the cowards deserted. Even the rabid Gauthier returned to the dark corridors of cowardice and famous low masses bordering on libel in the cottages and shops in the Republic of Sainte-Adele.

Fortunately, something is organized currently in Sainte-Adele. A movement which, I hope, "tsunamisera 'arteries clogged This beautiful town in the Laurentians. Coverage of these promising developments, if they occur, will be in

So if Blog-Notes reborn from its ashes, it will probably be with a new formula and new environment. Meanwhile, I am attached to this book that propelled me into the world of media and especially helped me to meet people - virtual and real - a high quality, and too many morons, which n is not without interest.

reflection to follow

Friday, June 26, 2009

Big Juggs Milena Velba now officially online

webdo.c has now officially online. Click on the image to access the site.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Does Taylor Lautner Have A Lazy Eye

Calling all

Many people seek to communicate with the mysterious "Mr. Gauthier " who wrote an open letter urging Adélois to "wake up" and come to many meetings of the council. His letter, distributed to the mailboxes, did the trial of the revitalization of downtown adélois. One theory is that the author of this letter uses a pseudonym.

If there is a real Gauthier, I invite to contact me:

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sizes Of Bilateral Renal Cortical Cysts

Zeno Alary Museum: Annual Exhibition of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste

Museum Zeno Alary invites you to its annual exhibition at St John the Baptist.
In addition to the 250 carvings of animal sculptor Zenon Alary, the museum displays the works of two artists: Sylvie Brazeau

and Jean-Pierre St-Germain .

wine, cakes and coffee will be served.

June 24, 2009, from 13h to 20h

I urge you to visit this friendly museum. You will have the chance to meet its director, Simone Constantineau A lady
87 years old whose passion for the sculptor Zenon Alary has grown in the wild adventure of creating a museum with works of this sculptor adélois animal. Jean-Pierre St-Germain is also an avid commentator on this blog.

Museum Zeno Alary
1425 rue Claude-Grégoire
Sainte-Adèle (Mont-Rolland sector)

Photo: André Bérard
Cutting: Dominique Beauregard

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Harold Kumar Bottemless Party

Crater Sainte-Adèle

For over a year the Adélois live with a huge crater at the entrance of their village. As landscape offered during the tourist season, there's more. The most worrying thing is that I never see workers busy in that hole. In fact, maybe it's the new tourist attraction in the city: the crater of Sainte-Adele.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How Long Does It Take Temazepam

MRC des Pays d'en- Top: high speed target

The MRC des Pays d'en Haut currently holding a survey of all residents of the MRC. The goal is to provide a more accurate picture of Internet connections to all the inhabitants of the MRC des Pays d'en Haut can benefit from high speed Internet connection.

To complete the survey

Names For Computer College Group

A law against SLAPP

Bad news for some potentates municipal benefit for too long of loopholes in the law that allow them to blow out the flame of dissent wielded by ordinary citizens, environmental groups and even transmit and broadcast journalists points of view. Read the new


How will this new law she interpreted and applied, is the question.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Battery Parmesan Cheese Grater

Young advertising adélois

Luc Millette - who looks after my blog better than me - would like to draw your attention to a video produced by a group adélois students of high school-Augustin-Norbert Morin in the contest Turn your ad, for the protection of forests against fire! , organized by the Society forest protection against fire (SOPFEU).

You can encourage the student group adélois noting their video of 1 to 10 (ideally 10), by clicking HERE .

video of 57 seconds is entitled: "A little comfort Gabrielle Granger.

Happy viewing and congratulations to the students of the school-Augustin-Norbert Morin.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cubefield At Primary Games


I am pleased to publish, at his request, following review by Luc Millette, author of the blog deceased Adélois a book.

"We learned recently that the new nursing home in St. Adele appoint Eldercare Heights. We could do worse as a lack of originality, Eldercare Country d'en Haut, nursing home or nursing home Summits of Grignon. A simple Google search, we can see that the word "Heights" has been used in any number of ways, in many parts of Quebec. Why this name? Apparently because "there is a road connecting the municipality of Sainte-Marguerite-du-Lac-Masson that of Sainte-Adele and bears the name "path Heights" "Wow, had to think, cogitate for hours and look deep into the history of the region to find such a name. The funny thing is that the administration of the CSSS Country Upper Great Lakes had bothered to publish a contest inviting people to participate to find this famous name. We must believe that the forty proposals were not the taste of the five members of an obscure committee, which chose instead to take the name proposed by a person of the house. It would have been interesting, in my opinion, to disclose these proposals and especially to give our opinion or preference. But as usual it seems in our region, the elite has once again retained the privilege. "

Luc Millette

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rental Indian Wedding Dress

Land Protection Society of St. Adele

On 17 May at 10am the Society for the Prevention Division of Sainte-Adèle ( SPFSA ) will hold its annual meeting at the community center located at 1200 Claude Gregory Street in the Mont-Rolland.

On this occasion, Chantal Ladouceur MRC des Pays d'en Haut, a lecture: Regional Country Park Upper Great Lakes to serve the community : a vision of the future. Conference will be preceded by a presentation of Rémi Moreau : Trusts and nature reserves: tools for environmental protection.

All are welcome and admission is free

The SPFSA is a non-profit, non-partisan who is actively pursuing since its inception in 1991, its mission to protect natural areas in perpetuity for the benefit of community and future generations. She has over three hundred members and its board of directors is composed of 15 volunteers, business people and representatives of several professions, including biologists, engineers, accountants, insurance brokers, and a Councillor of the City of Sainte-Adele.

Source: Louise Lemyre, Vice-President SPFSA
Tel.: 450-229-6749

Monday, April 27, 2009

Should Tooth Mousse Plus Be Brushed On Teeth

New Media in the Laurentians

Collaborators Searched

Recently, I announced in this blog the launch of next an independent information portal continuously covering the news Laurentian and incorporate some features of the Web Participatory . This new website will promote an approach based civic journalism by offering content connected to the concerns of citizens. It will promote exchanges between citizens and elected by the sponsorship of events, meetings, conferences and lectures on major local and regional matters. Flexible and scalable, this new platform will adapt to the information needs of citizens throughout the Laurentians of its location in the middle. Several columnists

quality have already confirmed their presence on this site. Others will be added soon.

The current crisis in the world of traditional media announces the era of online media. this "quiet revolution of information" that we are witnessing right now is tell Phillip Mayer, an expert in evolution of journalism: "If I had to be 20 again, I would like it TODAY 'hui. Because you will invent a new journalism. " According to forecasts by Mayer, the daily paper will disappear by 2044 *. Some icons of U.S. dailies are considering abandoning their paper for the benefit of the web. Some newspapers have already taken action.

The new media will be online soon - which I prefer to conceal the name for now - is firmly anchored in this new era of journalism. Many employees are already high quality of the adventure. Others will soon be added to it. This new media wants to cement the small Laurentian community by publishing quality information and records of local and regional interest while giving up choice for citizens and stakeholders of the news.

Those wishing to participate in the establishment and recognition of this unique forum in Laurentian can contact me at the following address:

The new site is open both its form and its approach to any form of collaboration.

We are currently seeking a (e) Representative (e) advertising who wants a challenge stimulus contributing to the success of this project. The field of advertising is also changing and advertisers tend to migrate to the web. a commission above the market be offered to the person concerned.

To contact me:

* Source: The Trento, February 2009 issue

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jewelry Career Cover Letter

Demolition of cottage hills 40/80

This Wednesday rainy April 2009 will mark the end of an era, that of the business that inspired the cottage slopes 40/80. On July 3, 2008, citizens living in the area surrounding the resort adéloise, one of the first in the country, learned at a special meeting of council that the new administration adélois Descoteaux shut the resort and proceed with the demolition the cottage at the foot of the slopes. Although the mayor had Descoteaux said during his election campaign, not wanting to be the mayor who would close 40/80 slopes, non-profit site and its management deficit imposed by him to close the center. Hailed by some and disparaged by others, the demolition of the cottage draws a definitive line on a beautiful heritage adélois time.

The demolition photos:

Photos: André Bérard

Friday, April 3, 2009

Salmon Patties Without Bread

Parc Dufresne in Val David, a citizen expressed

[Jean Pierre Charce a reader of this book, I sent an open letter about Dufresne Regional Park, a record that is regularly headlines. Blog-Notes offers its platform to all citizens wishing to speak freely. Only requirement: the texts of the authors must be signed.]

I remember ...

We're talking about a lot of new Dufresne Park these days, its turf wars and its "non- -called "lack of transparency surrounding certain acts and real challenges that lie ahead. I remember a time not so long ago - Guindonville had become dust and rubble - some discussion with a few ardent supporters of the project that kept me this language: "You see sir, in life you sometimes have to sacrifice for the welfare of his community and his descendants." I remained skeptical

, remaining convinced that the environmental cause would inevitably pass through the respect for residents of places, but still gave them the benefit of the doubt. However, by observing what is happening today in our "world apart", I remember the bravery of a certain lady (who no doubt will recognize), a visionary, so to speak. She had dared to oppose and denounce publicly some wrongdoing surrounding the proposed parking and the Park: This commitment has cost him dear, for truth is not good to say, it seems. I remember one elderly couple faced recently, the native village, moreover, who turned back when asked to pay for a walk in what he believed to be their park. Another person cross by chance, who was walking his bike nonchalantly hand, was forced to leave because his bike was supposedly not in the standards, and others who are refused permission to climb, probably because they did not belong to the right school. And these are just a few examples among many others. I ask myself the question: does it have the full panoply of the perfect hiker and have a portfolio that topped more for access to our park?

It seems to me that we pay taxes as residents should be ample to meet these costs. I think when the famous philosophical tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery: The Little Prince, among the many characters encountered during his journey Galactic, has met a businessman. It spent most of his time accounted the stars that never ceased to accumulate unabated. Intrigued by this strange behavior, the Little Prince said they did not belong to anyone yet, all these stars. Precisely, "retorted the businessman, they are in person, so they are mine. But what do you do with these thousands of stars? asked the boy again. I own them, that's all. And if he could think of The Little Prince to visit the planet "Dufresne Park," would it not be surprised to see how the ecological ideals of the early days gave way to motivations apparently more mercantile than philanthropists?

Jean-Pierre Val David Charce

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Streaming Film Salieri

immobility or disgust?

I had recently a very interesting discussion on the status quo with some friends. I was going to write a post on the subject, but here I am overtaken by the Old Henry who delivers a heartfelt text on the issue.

It would be interesting to analyze from a sociological point of view this current citizen opposition to any major project. Are we witnessing a redefinition of collective development, innovation and progress, where the contrary, the progress of a lack of vision endemic? The public confidence in elected officials, agencies and developers, she has so eroded that we prefer, as a precaution, always oppose any project? Are we so mired in the soft consensus that any initiative runs out in consultation, studies and discussions to finally die in the egg?

Are we, collectively, to develop a more critical or more cynical?

Beyond the very real syndrome "not in my backyard, maybe we in fact witnessing the emergence a more critical attitude towards the proposals of developers. This is at least a hypothesis to explore. Mismanagement, cost overruns, incompetence of stakeholders, "brown envelopes" and lack of transparency may have led citizens to adopt an attitude of mistrust sometimes excessive. The promises are no longer sufficient, the results should be at the rendezvous. What

opposed to just people? With the nature of a project, or methods of management and implementation? The issue arises because often, the project announced that it is not delivered. The economic crisis which currently prevails, particularly in the United States, demonstrates that some economic models lead to a costly failure and socially unacceptable. Several economic creeds must be reviewed and corrected.

In this context, we must speak of stagnation or disgust?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Best Scanner For Textbooks

Great is the mystery of bad faith

Herr Ratzinger, aka Benedict XVI, he would become a vector for AIDS in Africa by sending beliefs rather than facts? The successor of St. Peter, who has a troubled relationship with condoms, argues that abstinence and faithfulness among partners are better condoms in the fight to stem the AIDS pandemic in Africa. He added by saying they could even make it worse. The black continent, already hard hit by poverty, plagues, conflict, atrocities and disasters of all kinds, "he really needs a visit to this messenger of myths and legends?

Yannik Villedieu wrote in his book : "For over a quarter century as the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, started to wreak havoc, the only preventive measure that we have found is condoms. It was proved that the little gizmo latex protects against transmission of the virus. That condom promotion campaigns help slow the spread of the disease. And that condom distribution does not reduce the age at first intercourse or increase the number of partners. "

is a matter of fact, not belief. In trying to convince people of Africa to the contrary, Herr Ratzinger is likely to worsen the situation. His comments also reflect his lack of sexual mores of that continent, believing naively that Africans abstain and be faithful, just because the pope their order. There are only a few years, some Africans living in small villages believed to escape the disease by washing their genitals with acid battery. Education and condom use are a key to the fight against AIDS in Africa. This is not the case with wild imaginings of the holy fool.

spiritual leaders, gurus, Magister, pundits, and pastors 'wise men' of this world are more damaging than all diseases combined.

Photomontage: Dominique Beauregard

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fuji Fp-100c Work In 600 Polaroid

Academy Session

is the only title that fits with what I witnessed yesterday during the broadcast of the City Council meeting adélois. A flashback that recalls a short, yet strangely disturbing episode of adélois policy, that of Marlene Houle, the deputy mayor whose "style" did not pass and visibly acted as "election fodder" killed by a box public relations and other lawyers who both sniffed the jackpot.

Mayor Descoteaux in the footsteps of Acting it has fallen so fiercely denounced during a debate organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Sainte-Adèle. It frieze outright rudeness by pounding people with his "what is your question?" Which appears as a song while they are just trying to make a decent preamble to their questions. An annoying habit, for pressing, intimidate, voluntarily or not, and most importantly, an approach that aims to disconcert the citizen who tries to speak. And it works, because sometimes, tired, some of them prefer to leave and return to their seats without asking their question properly. Not all are equal before a microphone, the role of a municipal government is certainly not to push those who, perhaps clumsily, trying to contribute to participatory democracy. For their part, citizens are entitled to bombard elected officials turn to the question: what is your answer, what is your response? For answers, there is none. Or very little.

Another questionable method appears to be a marked tendency to the mayor Descoteaux is to invite the citizen who asks a question of public interest to call for the City to know response. We know that most of the time, citizens will not call. And if, perchance, there is risk, it will likely result in a mailbox. Or, he says, as was the case yesterday, which left him a message, then the citizen says he has no answering machine or voice mail and wonders who is has been addressed in this post. A more or less clever red herring.

Team Descoteaux, recently registered with the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), seems to be losing feathers and support and especially not account for the time that Councillor Nicole Durand. Thus, the counselor Mainville, who was yet part of the team Descoteaux in the last elections, will not be a member of the staff of the Mayor's election next fall, any more than Gabriel D. Latour, André Lamarche and Gary Quenneville. Advisers who had yet affirmed their allegiance to the new mayor in the aftermath of the elections of February 2008. A reliable source recently noted that there was significant dissent within the board adélois, and has been since the beginning. The little support expressed for the new team seems to confirm Descoteaux. It would not surprising to learn that many advisers will end their political careers

The last meeting of the council reflects the improvisation that reigns in this team fray. Unprepared, apparently overwhelmed by the records, clumsy in its actions with citizens and adopting a haughty attitude, the mayor Descoteaux will be accountable to the public next fall. The priority issues contained in its election platform did not move one iota. The case Lupien stagnates, taxes go up no one can explain it properly to the people Rolland and bogged down. The mayor imposed a condition that results in funding the Chamber of Commerce of Sainte-Adele will soon establish its own balance sheet, which until now, nothing stellar.

The most disturbing moment of the session was when Eric Veilleux, president of the company Maerix located in the business park Rolland, came to the microphone. Mr. Veilleux is pursued by the corporation the business since 2004 Rolland. He had to spend nearly $ 75 000 in legal fees. It is reasonable to believe that the City has paid a similar sum in this case. The issue, very simple, the contractor sent to elected officials is: "Do you know why you go after me?" After a heavy silence and an exchange of glances between elected officials, the answer finally fell from the lips of Councillor Latour, only board member who was stationed in 2004: "Rather than saying stupid things and say anything, the answer is no, I have no idea." This response

Advisor Latour has the merit of being honest, but does raise many questions about other issues to judicial control involving the City of Sainte-Adele: Case Lupien, the record the antenna Rogers, etc..

To many observers, the election of Mayor Descoteaux and his team did not change the management of Sainte-Adele. Some even claim that the records identified as priorities by the mayor stalled further. The haughty attitude of the mayor and his team is heavily criticized within the population adéloise and is the subject of most of the comments provided to me. At

Academy Session, several are in danger