Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fuji Fp-100c Work In 600 Polaroid

Academy Session

is the only title that fits with what I witnessed yesterday during the broadcast of the City Council meeting adélois. A flashback that recalls a short, yet strangely disturbing episode of adélois policy, that of Marlene Houle, the deputy mayor whose "style" did not pass and visibly acted as "election fodder" killed by a box public relations and other lawyers who both sniffed the jackpot.

Mayor Descoteaux in the footsteps of Acting it has fallen so fiercely denounced during a debate organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Sainte-Adèle. It frieze outright rudeness by pounding people with his "what is your question?" Which appears as a song while they are just trying to make a decent preamble to their questions. An annoying habit, for pressing, intimidate, voluntarily or not, and most importantly, an approach that aims to disconcert the citizen who tries to speak. And it works, because sometimes, tired, some of them prefer to leave and return to their seats without asking their question properly. Not all are equal before a microphone, the role of a municipal government is certainly not to push those who, perhaps clumsily, trying to contribute to participatory democracy. For their part, citizens are entitled to bombard elected officials turn to the question: what is your answer, what is your response? For answers, there is none. Or very little.

Another questionable method appears to be a marked tendency to the mayor Descoteaux is to invite the citizen who asks a question of public interest to call for the City to know response. We know that most of the time, citizens will not call. And if, perchance, there is risk, it will likely result in a mailbox. Or, he says, as was the case yesterday, which left him a message, then the citizen says he has no answering machine or voice mail and wonders who is has been addressed in this post. A more or less clever red herring.

Team Descoteaux, recently registered with the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), seems to be losing feathers and support and especially not account for the time that Councillor Nicole Durand. Thus, the counselor Mainville, who was yet part of the team Descoteaux in the last elections, will not be a member of the staff of the Mayor's election next fall, any more than Gabriel D. Latour, André Lamarche and Gary Quenneville. Advisers who had yet affirmed their allegiance to the new mayor in the aftermath of the elections of February 2008. A reliable source recently noted that there was significant dissent within the board adélois, and has been since the beginning. The little support expressed for the new team seems to confirm Descoteaux. It would not surprising to learn that many advisers will end their political careers

The last meeting of the council reflects the improvisation that reigns in this team fray. Unprepared, apparently overwhelmed by the records, clumsy in its actions with citizens and adopting a haughty attitude, the mayor Descoteaux will be accountable to the public next fall. The priority issues contained in its election platform did not move one iota. The case Lupien stagnates, taxes go up no one can explain it properly to the people Rolland and bogged down. The mayor imposed a condition that results in funding the Chamber of Commerce of Sainte-Adele will soon establish its own balance sheet, which until now, nothing stellar.

The most disturbing moment of the session was when Eric Veilleux, president of the company Maerix located in the business park Rolland, came to the microphone. Mr. Veilleux is pursued by the corporation the business since 2004 Rolland. He had to spend nearly $ 75 000 in legal fees. It is reasonable to believe that the City has paid a similar sum in this case. The issue, very simple, the contractor sent to elected officials is: "Do you know why you go after me?" After a heavy silence and an exchange of glances between elected officials, the answer finally fell from the lips of Councillor Latour, only board member who was stationed in 2004: "Rather than saying stupid things and say anything, the answer is no, I have no idea." This response

Advisor Latour has the merit of being honest, but does raise many questions about other issues to judicial control involving the City of Sainte-Adele: Case Lupien, the record the antenna Rogers, etc..

To many observers, the election of Mayor Descoteaux and his team did not change the management of Sainte-Adele. Some even claim that the records identified as priorities by the mayor stalled further. The haughty attitude of the mayor and his team is heavily criticized within the population adéloise and is the subject of most of the comments provided to me. At

Academy Session, several are in danger


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