Friday, March 20, 2009

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Great is the mystery of bad faith

Herr Ratzinger, aka Benedict XVI, he would become a vector for AIDS in Africa by sending beliefs rather than facts? The successor of St. Peter, who has a troubled relationship with condoms, argues that abstinence and faithfulness among partners are better condoms in the fight to stem the AIDS pandemic in Africa. He added by saying they could even make it worse. The black continent, already hard hit by poverty, plagues, conflict, atrocities and disasters of all kinds, "he really needs a visit to this messenger of myths and legends?

Yannik Villedieu wrote in his book : "For over a quarter century as the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, started to wreak havoc, the only preventive measure that we have found is condoms. It was proved that the little gizmo latex protects against transmission of the virus. That condom promotion campaigns help slow the spread of the disease. And that condom distribution does not reduce the age at first intercourse or increase the number of partners. "

is a matter of fact, not belief. In trying to convince people of Africa to the contrary, Herr Ratzinger is likely to worsen the situation. His comments also reflect his lack of sexual mores of that continent, believing naively that Africans abstain and be faithful, just because the pope their order. There are only a few years, some Africans living in small villages believed to escape the disease by washing their genitals with acid battery. Education and condom use are a key to the fight against AIDS in Africa. This is not the case with wild imaginings of the holy fool.

spiritual leaders, gurus, Magister, pundits, and pastors 'wise men' of this world are more damaging than all diseases combined.

Photomontage: Dominique Beauregard

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