Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Streaming Film Salieri

immobility or disgust?

I had recently a very interesting discussion on the status quo with some friends. I was going to write a post on the subject, but here I am overtaken by the Old Henry who delivers a heartfelt text on the issue.

It would be interesting to analyze from a sociological point of view this current citizen opposition to any major project. Are we witnessing a redefinition of collective development, innovation and progress, where the contrary, the progress of a lack of vision endemic? The public confidence in elected officials, agencies and developers, she has so eroded that we prefer, as a precaution, always oppose any project? Are we so mired in the soft consensus that any initiative runs out in consultation, studies and discussions to finally die in the egg?

Are we, collectively, to develop a more critical or more cynical?

Beyond the very real syndrome "not in my backyard, maybe we in fact witnessing the emergence a more critical attitude towards the proposals of developers. This is at least a hypothesis to explore. Mismanagement, cost overruns, incompetence of stakeholders, "brown envelopes" and lack of transparency may have led citizens to adopt an attitude of mistrust sometimes excessive. The promises are no longer sufficient, the results should be at the rendezvous. What

opposed to just people? With the nature of a project, or methods of management and implementation? The issue arises because often, the project announced that it is not delivered. The economic crisis which currently prevails, particularly in the United States, demonstrates that some economic models lead to a costly failure and socially unacceptable. Several economic creeds must be reviewed and corrected.

In this context, we must speak of stagnation or disgust?


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