Monday, April 27, 2009

Should Tooth Mousse Plus Be Brushed On Teeth

New Media in the Laurentians

Collaborators Searched

Recently, I announced in this blog the launch of next an independent information portal continuously covering the news Laurentian and incorporate some features of the Web Participatory . This new website will promote an approach based civic journalism by offering content connected to the concerns of citizens. It will promote exchanges between citizens and elected by the sponsorship of events, meetings, conferences and lectures on major local and regional matters. Flexible and scalable, this new platform will adapt to the information needs of citizens throughout the Laurentians of its location in the middle. Several columnists

quality have already confirmed their presence on this site. Others will be added soon.

The current crisis in the world of traditional media announces the era of online media. this "quiet revolution of information" that we are witnessing right now is tell Phillip Mayer, an expert in evolution of journalism: "If I had to be 20 again, I would like it TODAY 'hui. Because you will invent a new journalism. " According to forecasts by Mayer, the daily paper will disappear by 2044 *. Some icons of U.S. dailies are considering abandoning their paper for the benefit of the web. Some newspapers have already taken action.

The new media will be online soon - which I prefer to conceal the name for now - is firmly anchored in this new era of journalism. Many employees are already high quality of the adventure. Others will soon be added to it. This new media wants to cement the small Laurentian community by publishing quality information and records of local and regional interest while giving up choice for citizens and stakeholders of the news.

Those wishing to participate in the establishment and recognition of this unique forum in Laurentian can contact me at the following address:

The new site is open both its form and its approach to any form of collaboration.

We are currently seeking a (e) Representative (e) advertising who wants a challenge stimulus contributing to the success of this project. The field of advertising is also changing and advertisers tend to migrate to the web. a commission above the market be offered to the person concerned.

To contact me:

* Source: The Trento, February 2009 issue


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