Monday, December 11, 2006

Color Meaning Of Shag Bands

social and cultural role of food. A HIGH SCHOOL OF

What is the situation in Belgium, a country in northern Europe?

Socio-economic, cultural, political, historical, religious and ecological influence what we eat or not eat. Eating is not just about food, because food has become much broader in our lives. It is playing a very important role in social and economic relations of individuals. A food is certainly a product, but apart from that it can serve as symbol the status of a person or reflect its identity. That is also a reason why we eat.

food, a symbol of identity.
Some people also use their food to show they belong to another culture. Many immigrants retain their own eating habits to differentiate themselves from the population of the country where they live. With many Chinese restaurants, Thai, Greek or Italian, we also have access to other food crops. Some groups also differ in mass primarily through the consumption alternative products or ecological (biological).

Role cultural and religious power.
Food is an integral part of our culture. The Belgian culture manifests itself in habits and culinary traditions that are quite distinct, for example, countries of southern Europe. These traditions have a history dating back to the eating habits of our ancestors and they have passed. Even within regions, there are different habits and traditions. In our contemporary multicultural society, we come into regular contact with food, habits and traditions that are new to us. Also, for now, we are confronted with a large supply of exotic products .

All this information and still others, you can find them on the site


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