Friday, December 22, 2006

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"The voice of the wise (no more fighting)" a song Yannick Noah

moi, j'ai choisir This song, "The voice of the wise (no more fighting)", which talks about life in general and dreams that are not real.

"[...] When I no longer believe in my dreams

Or that I saw everyone else

less often when my fist rises

What I 'm not with you

And when I forget what I think

They restore my faith [...}"

this is the site where you can see the clip :

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why are you crying?

Why are you crying? "You can not understand ... Why are you crying? "I need someone to hear me ... She needs to express her woes, she has only need of support, she wants to be someone else, she the impression that it is his fautesi the world turns without looking like a round that would have forgotten ... Why are you crying? "I'd like to feel beautiful ... Why are you crying? Y person m calls it ... It has thousands of dreams in mind, she sees at its other skies window, she is like all others her age, she sees too many princes who are passageet who love without question, that promise and forget his name ... Why are you crying? "Sometimes I hate myself .. . Why are you crying? That's all I have left ... And you cry but it's every turn, we were all only one day ... You're beautiful what you do, happiness does s not buy it ... Why are you crying? "Why are you crying? ...

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Yannick Noah ..!

We want to tell you to see this clip by Yannick Noah ..

We love this song because it is a message of peace for everyone ..! "In Calcutta, Haiti Basements MoscouDes of girls who pay in Romania," said Yannick

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Yannik Noah's Song "Metis"

We listened to this song in class. She speaks of miscegenation and equality among all people. We loved sourtout the sentence "I am living proof that all humans are the same" which expresses the idea of equality and peace.
Metis (duet with Disiz Plague)

Song: Yannick Noah - Metis (duet with Disiz Plague)
Lyrics: Disiz the PesteMusique: Disiz PesteMaison the production of
: Columbia
[Chorus]: I am mestizo, a mixture of color mixed Ohoh Oh, I come from here and elsewhere [Yannick Noah]: Walking barefoot in the city, in sandals jungleTu know the mix is easy, just to be an eclipse simpleJe am meeting one solideJe am proud to be Metis, I'm lucky choose [Chorus]: I am mestizo, a mixture of color mixed Ohoh Oh, I'm here and am elsewhereI mestizo, a mixture of color mixed Ohoh Oh, I come from here and elsewhere [Yannick Noah] : If I may lost in the middle of rivesSi I need benchmarks, my roots guidentUn me feeling based, momentum, a chanceUne so beautiful mosaic and in my heart that dance [Disiz]: I am living proof that all humans are mêmesJe am child of Adam and Eve, I am a dream like Ishmael, Israel, renounce your hatred And the smile of hommesMélange Ganges and the River Thames, Metis Indian and Metis BrésilOn is like Sade and Bob MarleyTu can you laugh or you steer, We can parlerMulticolores, anti-assholes And all my roommates in mind prancing For ideas of a more mixed! [Chorus]: I am mestizo, a mixture of color Oh Ohoh Métis I am here and am elsewhereI Metis, a mix of color mixed Ohoh Oh, I come from here and elsewhere (ter) [Yannick Noah]: I am Metis [Disiz]: Two different beings that mix and do a [Yannick Noah]: I am Metis [Disiz]: Two cultures, two pasts that come together and do a [Yannick Noah]: I am Metis [Disiz]: Two ways of thinking that together to become one [Yannick Noah]: I am Metis [Disiz]: No need to travel to say that I come from far away [Chorus]: I am mestizo, a mixture of color mixed Ohoh Oh, I just elsewhereI'm here and mestizos, a mixture of color Oh Ohoh Metis, I come from here and elsewhere (b)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Color Meaning Of Shag Bands

social and cultural role of food. A HIGH SCHOOL OF

What is the situation in Belgium, a country in northern Europe?

Socio-economic, cultural, political, historical, religious and ecological influence what we eat or not eat. Eating is not just about food, because food has become much broader in our lives. It is playing a very important role in social and economic relations of individuals. A food is certainly a product, but apart from that it can serve as symbol the status of a person or reflect its identity. That is also a reason why we eat.

food, a symbol of identity.
Some people also use their food to show they belong to another culture. Many immigrants retain their own eating habits to differentiate themselves from the population of the country where they live. With many Chinese restaurants, Thai, Greek or Italian, we also have access to other food crops. Some groups also differ in mass primarily through the consumption alternative products or ecological (biological).

Role cultural and religious power.
Food is an integral part of our culture. The Belgian culture manifests itself in habits and culinary traditions that are quite distinct, for example, countries of southern Europe. These traditions have a history dating back to the eating habits of our ancestors and they have passed. Even within regions, there are different habits and traditions. In our contemporary multicultural society, we come into regular contact with food, habits and traditions that are new to us. Also, for now, we are confronted with a large supply of exotic products .

All this information and still others, you can find them on the site

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Waffles Recipe With Hotdog

ANTHONIOZ us his comic! Cinema / fullscreen.html? id = 502363436

Friday, December 1, 2006

Crazy Gril And High Heel

Flavors of France

In France there are many customs, especially concerning folklore.
As time passes the customs of the regions have changed, but the kitchen remained the same.

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regional cuisine ..

here the typical dishes from all over France. Their names as their ingredients have the same characteristics of their origin. In the northern half of France. butter and cream are the main ingredients. In Picardy, there is the chicken waterzooi based puolet with cream or cream mussels and fries.
In Alsace there is sauerkraut prepared with pickled cabbage and sausage.
ago By Lorraine quiche Lorraine what a savory pie with small larons.à Paris there is browned and onion, an onion soup with croutons and fried Burgundy gruyère.En tipical the crepes are sweet or salted butter, which are called galettes, made with flour complète.Le cassoulet, a dish of white beans with pork and goose is cooked with goose fat. In Provence there's bouillabaisse based croutons and rust, or the basis of ratatouille of summer vegetables, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and onions ..

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we share ... A LOT OF THINGS ...

We, the people who live around the Médittérrannée, we share the same climate, same sea in which live the same fish, the same kind that produces the same plants ... our lives are influenced by all this .... we are close, because we live in similar me a kind and I are eating the same fruits of the earth and sea!

Many flavors, many eating habits have "moved" around the Mediterranean .. they often have the same origin: North Africa.

(The use of paprika, saffron, some meat ...)
We saw this in class with our French-language speaker, Perez and our teacher was put it on our blog ..

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The National and Regional Patterns!!

As in Italy, the French eat for breakfast lunch and dinner for 20 hours.
In France bread and cheese are the two constants throughout.
types of bread are best known: the Wand, string, flute, Country Bread and Fougasse, they accompany all meals from breakfast to dinner.
Cheese is the dish that comes after the main course and before dessert, there are 365 varieties such as Camembert, Roquefort, Cantal, Comte and Reblochon.

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dishes from elsewhere

In the food heritage of France there are exotic dishes. For example, the couscous and tagine dishes are of the Maghreb with semolina and meat. The tabouli was imported from Lebanon and it is a meal of salad and tomatoes. Paella is a English dish made with rice, saffron, meat and fish. The accrats cod are fried fish, this dish was imported from Martinique. In the end Italy's pasta was brought, the French eat them overcooked and also with other foods such as meat ..... we Italians, we hate it !!!!!!! !!!!!!