Saturday, December 25, 2010

Best Slideshow For Mac

Silence Is Sexy (Einsturzende Naubauten, 2000)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Nostradamus And Man With A Blue Turban

As I recall TV or WTF? imaginary remained inscribed on the screen: concentrate dough slammed FX / cars / clothes / pyrotechnics and tasteless totally assumed background sketch of uninterrupted two niggas, on a vague background of early start of demo scenario préprépré-state production. which we royally fucks .. in short everything that Besson Taxi will try to do here in vain. Michael Bay is on the big stuff Plaizir, having assimilated all the shit U.S. (then) recent as the big trash container-chrome producer that is in the credits of Fight Club to pose too much of Rodriguez Desperados 2 , Matrix, inevitable, until it seems products + the daring Besson himself "... he swings a chase scene still unstoppable efficiency (for rednecks interested, love chases love is like the solos in heavy metal, natural and I have a Bullitt poster in my room). And then the humor, even if coasting, works better than the 1 (which was in all ways not well Folichon) limit so surreal at times eyeing it to anything. The end flared like a pig looks like nothing, since it falls like a hair on the soup Rambo buddy movie of the ring relaxed in LA, and the number one bad guy has no charisma, he would have preferred the Number Two (Peter Stormare CAN NOT disappoint!) or why not a lil Tcheky Karyo that would give some substance to it all, here for regrets. All this, with cascading beats for Ludacris as a soundtrack, gives a serious belly ache, but something in us as a body secret (we will call the burgercréas or cocoeurcola), purring with pleasure ...
A sort of Hollywood totem erected to the glory of all that the "American market" has more shrill and mindless for us poor Europeans. A concept never pushed too far on film (at least before the Hypertension). Enough material for 3 or 4 theses tightly packed.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Something About You On Facebook

Boogeyman (Stpehen T. Kay, 2005)

There are worse than the hodgepodge of Japanese Wave 'Ghost girl' we have suffered and their remakes often less painful (since it is impossible to make more concrete and anti-scary most of the time, Asians are sometimes the best shot we forget that they can often be the worst ): there are those that are produced by Sam Raimi, and if it is not he who firmly believes (the father of Darkman and Ash will forgive this sponsorship half drunk on spawning Mignonnet Drag Me to Hell) it is at least his flock when it is not his family (because Raimi has been found, take a little), so it's her fault the old! ... these films was I saying that you place an hour and Loved flashes ghostly re recycled and re- by all cyclists converted into filmmakers from the most distant and ancient mythology Goosebumps and Are You Afraid of the going-and-just stuck in a haunted house to the worst kind of dung (Type Haunting) a big con by coward mine's cat craps tips, and giving you the urge to yell to hang himself every ten seconds off her velux - hypothetical - as this facies annoying tickle the unbearable, these films, these films so my tontines and uncles and dear faithful readers, who will offer as a final indicator of the famous bogeyman some kind of rip-off fighting with the guinea pig waste pixelated ass out of the test sessions - also hypothetical - I Am Legend on the V-Tech's cousin's neighbor's boyfriend at the camera technician trainee, who ate the marshmallow into hiding in the dressing room Golum during the filming of Narnia, exactly!
Only one has already turned into jelly before English, po c'qui prevents us despite our fingers blank translucent impractical to use to make a 'fuck' good fats such bumbling that would instantly due to stay strictly necessary - to try to create if only the spark of a thrill of rabbits - a new degree under the same bit new King. A Stephen, too.

From miserable shit, like the tray of LU without chocolate.

PS: but I saw even more heartbreaking recently just imagine, and it's called The Descent Part 2.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Best Laptop For Architects 2010

Mit Gas (Tomahawk, 2003)

Dear pedestrians, it is something you can not take away: the little jerk this time has been kind enough to offer you a place on his car, you have declined by irritation and disgust that is your problem, eventually ...
I remember that on End Slow or Nextclues cordially detested the character Patton had described as a spoiled kid who plays with her beautiful brand new toy, speaking of Tomahawk (and his / her super zicos cults poached by Mike), in fact it is exactly that, so it is like those candy son carrera stock in and feeling obliged to lean on the door by throwing glances falsely casual, generally you do not need to brag in a nice car because her class is required to itself for all to see, say that Mike can not help it, it is his nature, he is human and humans with what we always say weaknesses (what a man normally constituted, for example, do not resist the beautiful Jennifer mh arm, left alone to enjoy over pathetic complacency? punchline), and then he's happy to be put in its place, not everyone has the opportunity to make engine glow of Jesus, there are children starving in the Third World, even if sham it or break it, again you will be charmed or amused and a little sorry for him, at worst he tapped gently on the head, reminding him that the reverse is not only to paint the mustache .. . tuture pretty but saves the case, and the ball superstar slicked attaching / sucks that leads to the beautiful ecstatic grin and gloat and try to make him take corners too slalomesques for traction or strive to cram the Latin where there is no need, in short, s' leaning against the door with a margarita when a simple gin-Perrier case would be ample, it Roxe with class, when he does that purring sound of the engine that sweet love most finally, the little cousin. It's a shame for all those who still loved him so much stick to one, this motherfucker son of a bitch small wanker buddy of my balls to Zorn pretentious creative jazzmen pissing ... for once it is already within range of your claws, too far, too high.
look with your binoculars, you may see a major taut is his style.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Curtains Tied Back High Up

2012 (Roland Emmerich, 2009)

Not as dumb as I expected - so disappointing. Not as ugly as I expected - so disappointing. It was of course the usual batch of morons illuminated, the supporting cast purulent vulgarity flights Emmerich (here a big pig and Russian billionaire Woody "Mickey Knox" Harrelson in hippy harbinger of the Apocalypse), it was of course the right mix of watering so we almost feel sluggish in the smell, but the sauce is bland, the redneck in dire need of relief, flavor, punch - and Cusack is a real quiche mmmmh ... I tell you my sheep is very simple: the actor - whose eyebrows and bewildered expressions semi-semi-risotto fully justify the existence of the word 'genocide', 'holocaust', and 'disfigured by acid '- I went to each of his appearances tender and sympathetic against Hugh Grant and Vincent Cassel.
That's called an insult pachyderm.

pachyderm too, as so-called joker placarded in 4 heavy characters seem to want we trample peepers - but revealing, for his sobriety falsely monolithic truth, lack of imagination of our Teutonic megalomaniac baby (or Teutonic megalomaniac darling, it works well). Less impressive than Godzindependance Day, despite scenes of explosions across the nimpesque and likeable towers roller coaster through mountains and buildings in a state of imminent disintegration (of course it will benefit only if it has a screen size suitable ), less than Pharaonic Stargate (it's not a question of content pharaohs, no), less than avalanchesque The Day After, all that is actually a very condensed smooth that the brave Roland can do with his money: demolish cities ratiboiser mountains, to enjoy the ocean tsunami biggest blow of my cock to rest - and preserve as possible in this large fuck the nice doggies, because the dog is man's best friend says I was told when I was little ... In fact, the same level FX and action is not terrible, once past earthquakes and volcanoes all that is cushy and Quiche Cusack is even steal the show (we can easily imagine the kind of more ready to dock sewage outfalls that sttropez) by his kid, not the real one in the film eh, more unbearable that brat Spielberg, one of those expensive shrimp squealer in Hollywood with the potential to generate impulses infanticide seems inexhaustible - some mantras tit scalded by oil fryer have finished me off in my terrible and implacable certainty: Roland my good, you seriously softened the glans.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Discomfort In Lower Abdomen, Thigh And Testicles

Exploding Head (A Place To Bury Strangers, 2009)

Early: skeptical. Because unlike almost everyone I missed the first, logically (I pay too much attention to news is that) I ask naively. The seller (tastes pretty sure I discovered Fugazi, the Gun Club and 16 Horsepower with him) said Interpol, I see vaguely eighties revival opportunistic sauce Joy Div '& consort, all that stuff really well damn to XX, but really super insipid, that sells us with zeal, but that does not make me raise my own small (my little zealous).

Listening: tubesque already is, not as Interpol. Then it has nothing to do with Interpol, or very little. The sound is not original (dissonance, bass Peter Hook), but envelope right away and there is good. Not suit either, just a T-shirt Jesus & Mary Chain ironed with love by Mom. The singer does nothing, but it is necessary (there actually I was trying to make a sentence that makes you want - you will forgive me). Brief kiffage almost full on first listen.

In fact it is very stupid to summarize: the great cold wave bittersweet, adult, gritty, racy, with a name enough class and a pouch for the hair style. Not as enjoyable as the last zZz, but after a few listens I think it will move no further.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Spotting Long After Menopause

Alpha & Omega (Project Pitchfork, 1995)

The Rael-Wave Project Pitchfork, always unique, has become a bit boring. The lyrics are always (or more) philosophical, frontal and untreated poetic (like: "Nowadays things are scary to people, such as AIDS and hunger in the world ...") and pearls of common sense significant metaphorical ("imagine a crab dipped in boiling water: it will try to escape, imagine this same crab dipped in cold water that is boiled: he will die without moving") on a same basic recipe to sucrose as IO with some moments of the new age cocotis Delerium suspended in jam, but not as well Vit'pris market before - oops! jelly - and it bored a little, too much inequality, not enough songs that kill, but a Peter to voice more velvety texture that is bluffing on several occasions. And above all he y 'Alpha & Omega, title, and even + especially the tube that needs no introduction, Requiem.

Zwyczaj Za Prawo Stoi

One Trip One Noise (Black Desire, 1997)

For a long time (before I finally gets off Aggravation & Overdrive), Treponema Pal has never been a band interesting to me that through this myopic ssssssuuuublime remix intro, aka "floating on a backdrop dub flavored Named Desire, the exquisite casting Beber "... As heady as Manu Chao (or Scorn). With a touch of Chatterton. Highly addictive and trippy, and stainless night, what to expect from any good remix that respects.

On top of that remains Fourmidable compilachion?
Except maybe the remix of Zend Avesta (and still being in the mood coffee), which does nothing worthwhile to raise the night.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


V (Saint Vitus, 1989)

This group makes me warm to the guts, but as I lean more to Candlemass hot than cold. Scott Weinrich's a little son ideal of doom, I feel. Glean in his disco stuff I was as exciting as reading (hypothetical) a bio of Francis Huster by Guillaume Musso.
same time for what I know in doom, me ... The credibility of the writer is like a pair of Nike Air Max, all the guys wanted a college one day and then when you finally wear them you realize it's not as comfortable as they say . Feet on the ground is better: I stayed at Black Sabbath, con and bounded, and since my 13 years I listened to nothing better in the genre, and I pretended hypocritical these 3 or 4 recent years to find in engineering to be near all the stuff post-post-Pentagram Witchfinder General or post-I do not know what that are supposed to resemble them in honoring them, as I often found that just friendly, but bland, and that persistent thought kept swelling in my brain very own 'ceusses who do really well with the emotion and personality are very rare and now he'll have to stop playing the fool, young man'.
What is supposed to dip into history (and this is also a historian in me - Marignan 1616 right?) And that is sure to pull a pout superdubitative all my lecteurnauts, c is there is a plethora of groups of grunge to drone who devoted much of their valuable time Decalcomania plans and grandpas in attitude fro the last thirty years, some more openly than some and more religiously than others, and that some of these some-there are some fanatics who gathered in packs commonly bigots under the banner of Doom do almost as well as the old prehistoric ancestors although rarely as well as each other (those who do not religiously- - thank you for following me). Kind on this disc, flat and hopeless as a blind old man, and soaked in a class not found not only in the pattern of cheap slippers on the shelves of a dull dark Aldi Tourcoing. A disc that sounds to my ears for granted. It seems that it is worship, too.

How To Take Off Handbreak E46

Empires (VNV Nation, 1999)

The only one I really like, here it is ... Fees and ganache. Survivor of my period Absurd Minds-Neuroticfish-In Strict Confidence & Other salsify graciously offered to my ears by the samplers and Elegy D-Side ...
Foot in the period techno body music (but boring to death) early, and one foot in the soup Future pop inept Ronan serves us for over ten years. The balance between trance and pop Fabulon hammering chrome clubber beardless, among the most melancholy and sanitized the beat as sportswear. Fair flavor, once we get to collect on the sadness and disappointment Gothic unfeigned that emerge behind the words of the philosophical level of what I wrote in 5th when I fantasized my gothic band.

Ronan Harris himself, will always remain a mystery ... How an Englishman can be even more devoid of personality as a French when he sings in English? Mystery and gumdrop. Can
motion that would be a bit too, in the background.

Temporal Arterybiopsy Procedure

Trust (Low, 2002)

Low is slow. Low is boring.
Low aptly named.
Low is the gospel of tired people, the mass of nightlife, the exhausted sigh lazy. The end credits song for a romantic comedy to the tunes of turnips nerd who ended with a broken sauce "we remain friends, eh?". The timing of the great soul thin, frail, and pale, the pain-ass, those who will not lift a finger to find a soul mate and who are biting their fingers every day that God made. Low is the blues for this con pathetic you are, a little beauty faded for him, for every moment you bored on your chair with your eyes glued several minutes on each object in the room uninteresting. Thinking vaguely of a girl ... Smooth? Fade? If you want ... If it suits you ...

On this one, interspersed with some nervous twitching - ahem - and filled flush-the-mouth pieces of not so long that it's endless and yet even more "like at the time but I remember more than an hour after a beat "as Tindersticks and The Dears, there is Amazing Grace intro - sorry - LA intro. A sort of essence of the piece after, when the Sun begins to punch his face and that yours is paler than the moon.

If there was ever done about winnowing his pockets or his puffy eyes red with fatigue, can not understand this album, let alone this group. A disc of dark circles, digging for more.

Cost Of A Hoodie At Paramore Concert

Lam'bras (Project Pitchfork, 1992)

I know about you, but I see nothing above IO. The trip Blade Runner dark electro unique eco Project Pitchoune has ever attracted as much as this gem.
Lam'bras is a little demo IO - with EBM rhythms and melodies of synth stupid always prevent any connection with major psychotic lace Skinny Puppy in my mind. PP has never been anything psychopath, unhealthy or uncomfortable: PP film, mystical and totally new wave. And here we have this fascination for naive alien strangeness and spontaneous (accidental?) And this kind of total words that are well anchored. One of the many facets of their personality.

A Lam'bras City, City of Flowers of Cyberspace, the sky is orange, grenadine into the lake, and dolphins swim there are robots programmed to defuse anti-ship mines installed by the ancient warlike peoples who once lived in these quiet places ... Some UFO cabin very retro pass over the heads of Buddhist meditation in full cyborg computer on beaches in tofu, and new age preacher Peter tries to get through some of her voice very ugly with a grimace.
It has dreams in lower definition than IO. With larger pixels.

same ...

My Cat Started Peeing Everywhere

Stronger Than Ever (Digger, 1987)

There are some days, more and more, where I imagine the world ideal. This world would be rid of any intelligent music geek and all landmark, all this crap that we pollute the brain, be it poetry or potted plants.
There would be garage or biker.
It is the drink budweiser or dr pepper. It would
emotions and humor of Hardos. Because this is cost: a Hardos. A guy who runs it and who always goes better poet than to shake the client's garage ... A Hardos 80 years and more. Dangerous species ... It would
synthesizers time to time to express our sadness ... and beautiful solos. Or solid.
Finally ... I not know why I break my ass to dream and try to share this dream, the kit helps you enough again. The important thing in life is not the complexity in personality, love twilight stuff too for the average citizen or flirting with daffodils by rubbing the nipples of pomade in his latest album from Antony & The Johnsons . The important thing is the engine power and the mouth of the bodywork. Grave Digger (here it will be Mr. Digger short for your leadership, lil fag) never did that shit, but in 1987 it took to do good. For the only time in flashy fashion mold-mat & balls peroxidized without losing an ounce of turbomenace and pasting some weird breaks in stride, and there I want to say that all their heartbreaking series of medieval albums, next to the pure-metal journey priest who tries to surf the wave-EUROPEANJOURNAL Europe (not EU) with the discretion of Blackie Lawless in a bookstore, well it is not the slightest hesitation. It would be like
hesitate between a harley davidson all rotten and a Honda Gold Wing brand new; t'hésiterais, you? Good.

Student Kissing Teachers

We Sweat Blood (Danko Jones, 2003)

Rock without the 'n' roll. "Young, and con. With a leader eponymous anti-charismatic and vocally - as well as physically - very strongly dislike. But
will know why I love him well this little bike, in any case since I bought it at its output, it always means ... The cover probably does not bother with originality and caught the eye like a good Unsane. Or the chorus very con ... in fact it's just good morning of hard power pop boogie and punk bitches, made by Ricans (seems in fact they are Canadian but OSEF) unimaginative, but with a feeling of show-off rebel & head slap quite charming, vaguely wyndorfien the edges, and refreshing. Basically it scales well, this lil gadget. Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot damn, you're the woman for this man!

PS: I am completely crazy to know what value the following precedents. With this kind of group attachment, just one disc, and as my grandmother would say "when thee know that it is always the best" disco ".

Forgotten Combination Lock Samsonite

Schlaf (Calva Y Nada, 1998)

I thank them Old enough for me Gege permanently contaminated Calvados Y Nada - although I do know that especially the reputation, and Paradies - after hearing a few snippets on going to bed right in the early evening as a small Nature (must say that when you got used to sleep for a day you spend antisocial ... well I'm already at the base but it helps not); sinking in the mattress had been lulled by the melody as crevard of what seems to me he called Rascheln , resonating at the floor below. Nice shit ...

In fact, it is difficult to speak of Calva Y Nada, even if we have a serious desire is simple and so good ... their music is so obvious that it goes on words after all. Calva Y Nada
, it appears as if I say 'black pudding', 'Horst Tappert' or 'Adolf mustache'. Calva Y Nada is a cliché, solid and absurd, one of those shots and cumbersome than the country where he comes from is so transported and so suffered. Calva Y Nada
not speak it, it is lived ... It's a bit tricky as the same problem of trying to find other 80's secret training of gender as Fabbrikk Doll, Negro or Vomito BORGHESIA ... except that CYN is even more fascinating than those three (if only for English, certainly not ask to look like exotic would - make - the fellow technosatanistes 666), and their entire disco n ' is an album when you become a little bit addicted to this its ancient and forgotten, but massively haunting ...
Let's just say they are the most recent version of the already very possible Teutonic Teutonic DAF
The idea purest and pornography that could be done in a Gothic EBM.
The purest idea of what might be called "dark electro" in a logical world ... of Gothic synthesizers primitive (them, and synths) in old Volkswagen black and dirty in this world Suicide Commando, Wumpscut and others are merely a bit aggressive rednecks Subaru tunnée, Project Pitchfork environmentalists and pacifists Kangoo. And the garage Ivens & Larsen for dumps and other repairs. Better than Laibach, Die Krupps Das Ich and together, Calva Y Nada makes you dance and sweat cold cold. Calva Y Nada te ice is grotesque and bones, and this much more quickly and efficiently than ever will a Front 242, the old scientist armed with a pale complexion which thou hast confessed to having had some relationship to the dancefloor. Calva Y Nada with the dancefloor becomes tanzfleur. You're there, and you're there Well, in this nightmare as dreary and cozy one episode of Derrick. The dancers of the Nacht-klub burial are all shaven head rolls, stuffed with schnapps, but you all stick a stick horse. And you sodomize one after another. By thinking of nothing. All eyes on these walls pissing coated cobalt. In short, the foot.

melodies that are stuck in your cerebellum like the patafix, unhealthy, linear and square. A big pig song, insane, linear and square ... Ridiculous, stupid. Increasingly more scary it is ridiculous and stupid. Increasingly cumbersome ... the big big German freaking yes, symptomatic of their way (and innate) of kitsch at right angles from the age of Aryan statues and early paintings by Otto Dix, virility and menacing caricature surgery. Rammstein are finally may be the popular version of the public and all cattle ... all things considered ... Damn Germans.

I've managed to stabilize the top 5 and cast of happy days with them, without selling a kidney as I feared - because they all have at least one song that forces you to possess, as a diadem irrepressibly attracted you to him. Whether the lullaby of the disc, tube or nag disco service to its pumps. At least one piece. On it - the 6th one I still - there Leben, and it kills Leben. As soon as I see less than 20 euros, it's cooked for her apple ( nm: round fruit from the apple tree, from which an alcohol manufactures exquisite )

Monday, July 26, 2010

Samsung Sat Receiver Modele

Panic (Death SS, 2000)

Fans of the hilarious Paul Chain (the monosourcil doom?) know all SS Death.

There are at least 3 good reasons to be interested in Death SS, the reasons that I know that there are 10 years old when I heard of the beast for the first time, but yet hadst he had to disc i see this most attractive regions in the pages of catalogs Adipocere ungrateful ... So, I do not listen hadst, nada, and I regret even more because I liked at the time, then I am too jaded, too naive ... but who cares.

I was saying, 3 good reasons to be interested in this group with the initials of the puppet French car cult Nazi

1. They have a simple name, musty, class and weird at the same time.

2. They are Italians.

3. They are Italians.

And I see at least two other reasons for focusing on this particular album, like me when we contrebranle as his first bass (fictional) of their old cult albums even though this would be to regret in the next few months (because I sense potential in their old washers those old cheesy):

1. The pouch labeled "Satan is Gay", but you guessed it.

2. Miscegenation as an anachronism that has-been heavy traditional + modern sounds kind the poor electro synths and melodies of dork (soaring synths squeaker squeaker peanut almost worthy of the heyday of Italian prog) ... basically a beaufitude worthy of the worst heads of the NWOBHM and doom t 'coupled with the mindset bastard and pseudo-futuristic training as metal or Samael or Kovenant And Oceans, which began to open the sugar stashed behind their T-shirts demon heads, in the late 90s ... the legacy of the metallers Matrix years in Europe, a bigger moron than the alternative scene Rican, gave amazing results. We remember This mini-mode, and Death SS, has his way, but more weird old hand as the rest of the pack, participated in this patchwork now forgotten ... and VLA thee not that I shall cause to be a historian ... Finally, the title of track 3 summarizes the spirit: and save me from myself treading a phalanx to try to knit or less valid arguments + Hi-Tech Jesus.

finally, there is still a 3 ... big plump 3 ... turquoise and death in more

3: tube, called Lady Of Babylon. Evident. Clear. The opposite of my prose ... What a tube., A truth which will trap you and makes you stupid. Perfume secret Mediterranean (in the sense of Aphrodite childien-term) of a refrain in pure olive wood, coupled with a kitsch synths and crystalline vocals and dazzling diva plastic stolen most of cheesy symphonic blackeux Eternal Tears of Sorrow style (unless it is juice gothpouf H ² O style Theatre of Tragedy, in Evian year mood, seems like my double if the metaphor is not clear female singing always will be, worry) and purified by the grace of these demons Transalpine curious ... in a nutshell: the class. The gentle breeze blows the scent of daisies the Elf on the hairy torso of Hardos Latin. FRESH, FRESH, FRESH.
sublime mozzarella, compared with which the Parmigiano Reggiano is that the rest seems too dry mouth at first, then with a few plays we appreciate cheesy flavor to death and the relative strangeness, because eventually even with all Boat plans (gnagnagna), these riffs heard a thousand times (blah), these indigestible lumps of King Diamond, it comes to sing the chorus in the shower, thinking that it's still enough "specs" in the background, because rital it may be ... This could be Scandinavian, but too many elements t'indiquent not ... even if more than riffu claws in the background ... I say it is crap, there is no relation between sentences ... Finally, chacha just that it's fresh, it's ugly, and it is graceful in his disgrace, and it has-been, and he must listen.

Not a killing, but cool enough for an album that I feel the mood to talk to you, my little goats lecherous worshiped.

A fucking washers, even!

Money Tree Poems For Baby Showers

Streetcleaner (Godflesh, 1989)

this last night, or rather the last day (in short the last time I slept) I had a dream dark gray. I remember it was dark gray, but the details, huh ... is always a bit like when you tell your dreams to others, in addition to being gay, it turns meublage pathological liar in order, we start to invent things that were there all this point to play the original and make style I have a personality you saw, like me when I dream it's strange, the twisted, the unhealthy.

All I know is that this dream had nothing complicated. It was as simple as a dark gray sky, and the street below. It was a morning drizzle of Birmingham ... as if I was already gone. I was lost in one of its streets, walking right up against walls. I was hurt belly ... and people ... I know too if y 'had, but it's not the most important.

There was this perfidious whistle that kept chasing me. MTK initial

seriously what I have not listened hard for a lease, I suddenly emerged, and it's raining, and I'm a cranky the past few days. I have to bide heartburn ... People make me tired. All.
You know where these things can lead a man by fragile these days ... be killed. Or kill. As I am not very suicide is seen everything ...
I have them in a corner of the room, without needing chasing. And I knock it to die. As is done with rats when they bother ...

In life, everything is logical, and everything is simple. Life is gray, is deaf, it hits you like a deaf man, and it yells at you to make you even more haggard and dull. As Godflesh.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Watch Free Fulll Movies Mario Salieri

What is good when you have the motivation of a one-legged blind in heat wave at the foot of Mont St. Michel on top of which he must recover his crutches and his dog ...

... it's peers.

And it has interesting things to tell you, I think.
In addition it is a star webzinat (which he kept a tick, you'll see at the end of the artic).
He loves the Beatles, Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII music, old records cheesy you put a needle on it and we are forced to return when it arrives in the middle (and feel old), cooking pasta with sundried tomatoes & parmesan naked under her apron, before eating clips Antwoord die, he does not hear the word "hype" and hates the cover of the latest Deftones. And he occasionally tastes exquisite taste, as shown below.
His spiel on one of the great works of Big John could almost be me (as I'm a fan of Carpy uncle ... and so it's well written).
J'n'en say no more and lets you take notes, my lambs ...

They Live (John Carpenter, 1988)

" Truly a movie to the old generation of pre-action movies of my childhood 90's (88) , the action is slow, tacky music, general appearance somewhat Series B (the clothes of the characters are a nullity which just makes the film believable in its depiction top American working class losers). The idea of the film is really great (the shot glasses) but where the viewer expects a modern twist final with Freudian explanation to the key (in fact, the hero had hallux ah yeah, great), well no, he just burst in a final heroic gesture to put the pine in what has become Orwellian world america Reagan . The actor, known shows like every other film, has the luxury of being a cross between MacGyver (fresh fresh mullet included) and Stalone, and authentic wrestling with it (which gives rise to the longest street scene fighting one-to-one in the history of cinema)! Totally first degree and Bonnard, the kind of actor who would bring Van Damme for a manic-depressive gay and Chuck Norris in a dangerous hippie footwork asiatophile more than doubtful ... His faith in American ingenuity limit under total at the beginning of the film only makes her more credible suddenly buggery cable, a scenario that bar totally mad, recalling ff7 limit during the 2nd half of the film (the HQ of the wicked Shinra Tower-shaped, trip invaders that infest the land, the blonde mercenary hero without a past one against all) ... The best remaining can be the American side benet fully assumed, with a lot of replies and cult scenes when the hero begins to put the glasses (one stage of bank robbery just hilarious). Presumably, Carpenter has dug a little in Terminator, but his film grows much more reflection ...

Troublingly, in the bonus film, the 2000s, Carpenter confessed to be a capitalist patented, which is clearly the counter the message of his film, though delivered without any ambiguity ... Just dig a little more and watch the documentary + long devoted to the director to include: Carpenter explores the theme of evil, it is logical that he gets off Hollywood and the money while denouncing them clearly in his cinema is a real cry to rouse the American mentality, individualistic and loose. Today, he seems to have somewhat given up what he says with disarming frankness about in these terms: "at the time of They Live, I was angry against the patriotism of Reagan warrior my generation had hoped for better in the years 60/70, we were idealistic, we wanted to change the world (music) ... Then in the 90's, my generation has miserably messed up, we all sold our ideals and we all become good capitalists, denying our past. But I I do not deny. Besides, I think young people should we kick ass for fissa we die and they do not redo all our errors, which led us to this company that has only one obsession that the food from within ". That's basically the effect that made me an interview. We feel the guy a lucidity foolproof, including facing his own "cowardice", and many filmmakers dear to our European intelligentsia would do well to take the seed, the ones who maintain the pseudo- Mystery and Worship of the form to hide their stark lack of substance. Carpenter filmed humans panic and face reality in all its horror, but did not need a flag opulent Parisian bourgeois dare to show it ... This watch has never needed be hidden, it is the courage to see who is difficult and rare.

5 / 6 "

signed Dariev Stands

Friday, June 4, 2010

Blog Long Dong Silver Pelado

Stop This War (Damian, 1989)

A name that refers of course to The Omen. A singer who thinks he is to be Halford Peter Hammill (one day he'll have to write a book about the blood ties between Uncle Peter and the common heavy-metal singers). A group that makes rip-off of tubesque Priest, as a plethora of between 80 and 90, but with a little more emotional in places, a lot of resentment, and as always with this kind of second fiddle a bit more inspired than the average, vulgos a passage a little apart, a piece here at Abba-esque synths well. Good riffs, good solos, good tunes. The good stuff, sir.

Best Weave Hair For Exercising

Climax (Railway, 1987)

Tas impious.

By my sword sharp fatal I killed.

For the hot exhaust of my Priest Mobile

By fire its engine chrome

The Punishment



Thursday, February 25, 2010

Zopiclone Fatal Overdose How Much

Notes blog-Pierre Grignon moved

Blog-Notes moved on Wordpress platform and it is HERE it happens now. For archival purposes, I will leave the Blogger version online since many other sites refer to it.

I therefore expect you to another place!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Definition Of Acrostic Poem

I'm TUNISIAN like you! I received my check for $ 34.05 and there I met the $ 765,770 !
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For what it Neobux

The proof picture:

and you might as well claim your payment by money order or bank transfer is accepted Tunisia ! a golden opportunity to have additional income !
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That's the Master Card that I received:

MegaBuzz Gagner de l'argent avec Neobux !

how to make money with Neobux?

NeoBux is a PTC site (P ay T o C lick, you get paid to click on advertising links) for instant payment. Once you reach the payment threshold ($ 2) you can apply for payment from PayPal or AlertPay. You get paid in the next second!

NeoBux figures
  • Value of click: $ 0.01
  • clicks daily: 4-13
  • Sponsorship: 50%
  • Number of members: More than 100 000 members!
  • Payment Threshold (amount has reached to request a payment): $ 2
  • Payment: Alertpay (then you choose to make a bank transfer or request a money order via Alertpay , my check arrived home in Tunisia by mail in just days! )

More info

NeoBux is currently the industry leader of PTC worldwide with over 100,000 members worldwide.
NeoBux soon became a standard for all TPC that work well in that time have taken the same concept: instant payments, 50% of sponsorship for free members / free, need to be active in reaching gains sponsorship.

How to register on Neobux:

You must first have an account (free) in Alertpay to be able to transfer your winnings after each payment!
I guide you step by step to register a Alertpay :

AlertPay is a payment processor, it acts as a door monaie anywhere.
You can add funds to this account through bank transfer or credit card. The advantage of the system was that the person you set, does not know any of your banking details. You can also receive money from this account from anyone, just connect to your creditor's email address your account. Open the page
Alertpay clicking here
At the top right click on "sign up".
On this new page you must choose your country and type of account you want to open. An account "personal starter" will suffice.
You arrive on the registration page, you will need to fill out the following:
First name: your name (exple "Walid")
Last name: your name (exple Ben Hadj Amer)
Address: your address (exple "13 Rue Ibn Battuta)
City: your city (exle "Ennasr)
Country: your country (eg" Tunisia ")
Region : your area (eg" Ariana ")
ZIP / Postal Code : your postcode (eg "2048")
Country Of Citizenship : your nationality (eg "Tunisia")
Primary phone: your main phone (one phone number is mandatory exple 00 216 71 XXX)
Work Phone: Optional
Mobile phone : optional
Occupation: your profession
Date of birth : your date of birth
Click next and continue filling out the form
Email address: Your email address
Password: Password
Re-enter password : Confirm your password
PIN Transaction: For all payment transactions you must have a minimum 4-digit pin code.
Re-enter PIN transaction : retype your pin
Security Question 1: You must choose from the dropdown a security question that you will retrieve your password, or in case you lose them.
You can create yourself your own question in the box Create your question.
Security 1 answer: answer the first question.
Security question 2: Same as the first question
Security answer 2: answer the second question
Thirties party : click no, it applies only to U.S.
Type the code you see in the image
User Agreement : Accept terms of use, after reading course.
And finally click on the Register .
On the next page you should check your data if you want to change something tap Modify. If everything is correct, click Continue Registration. A validation email has been sent to you and in this mail, you must click on a link to continue the registration process. This link takes you to a page with your email address, type your "password" (password) and click Submit.
Now you can now log into your account Alertpay!

Now we will proceed to open an account Neobux
Click this link to go Neobux

On the page that opens you have two parts: one green, for advertisers and yellow is for you: Click on "register now " in the yellow part.
Here we are:
" username" is your username, your choice. The
" password" is of course the password.
Confirm your password.
Enter your email address
Then the email address of your account AlertPay.
If you do not have an account AlertPay you can open one right away by clicking here

Neobux asks for your "Birth Year " (date of birth) for security in case you lose your password.
Then in "image verification " you must copy the 5 letter code you see in the image below.
Click "continue".
You will receive an email with an activation link.
You must click this link and you will be saved.
Now your turn!

Start earning money with Neobux:

Once your account is activated you can start to click on ads and thus make money! Return on
Neobux , then click "login". Type
vote no and your user code.
There is a second box to fill appointed second password: if you do not choose to put one does not fill this box.
fill the verification code with the 5 letters you see in the image below.
and click "submit."

The page opens showing the ads you have to click today.
top right of your user is not displayed, If you click it you access your account.
Among the links located above your username, the link "View Advertisements " is the most important because it referred to the page of your ads (called "ads"), the day is By that you must go to click and then start earning money!

Your first clicks!

Remember that you must click every day.
Click the first link: a red dot appears (this is a security against cheaters who use bots or macros to do clicks for them.)
A window (watch your browser must allow popups opening: Firefox: tools, options, content, uncheck the box to block popup windows on IE: Tools, Pop-up Blocker plubicitaires; disable Pop-up Blocker plublicitaires) opens, it is the announcement in the top portion reserved for Neobux, a scroll bar is progressing as it is complete, ie in 30 seconds a green symbol appears, you win $ 0.01. Well, nothing very complicated is accessible to all and all. You can skip to the next, until you have clicked on all pubs.

When it comes time to collect your winnings!

Identify yourself if this is not done.
Open your account by clicking on your user not
In the right pane, click "Request your payment.
Choose your account (AlertPay)
And then a few seconds later your AlertPay account is credited with the amount you've met!

I live in Tunisia, is it really possible to get paid from their account Alertpay?

My case is the proof! I received my payment by check via Alertpay in only a few days! (See the check above)
If you wish to receive your money by bank transfer is also possible, fees are $ 5, by postal order the expence are estimated at $ 15, so it is best to wait to arrive has an amount high enough to amortize the costs.

Number of clicks paying?

According to our tests, there is between 3 and 13 clicks per day paid

Types Of Card Stacking

When the time come to have godchildren "referrals" that click for you! You're new

Identify yourself if this is not done.
Open your account by clicking on your user not
In the right pane, click "rent referrals"
You choose the number of "referral" that you want to rent.
If you do not have money in your "renting balance (the account that you used to book your" referrals ", click" ad fund "(add funds) and then" Main Balance "is the account who is credited by your clicks, you transfer the amount you want.
And now you can book your "referrals," they are you awarded in minutes.

To check their status: click on your name and your account is opened, you click on Rented a table listing the status of your referrals opens, here you can manage their investments. The last column shows as non-AVG (averange) the average daily devos referrals clicks. If you are a referral autopay cost you $ 0009 per day and you earn 0.005 $ / click so it has to do 1.8 clicks per day on average for you to repay the cost of its location otherwise it earns you nothing but it also costs you money. Watch lending those with less than 1.8 AVG if he keeps 3-4 days in rank they must recycle: Select the referrals that you want to recycle by clicking the box next to its line down the page a drop down menu offers several options: I want to recycle 'em, in French: I want to recycle those, you click on it, this operation will cost $ 0.08 per referral.