Sunday, November 7, 2010

Best Laptop For Architects 2010

Mit Gas (Tomahawk, 2003)

Dear pedestrians, it is something you can not take away: the little jerk this time has been kind enough to offer you a place on his car, you have declined by irritation and disgust that is your problem, eventually ...
I remember that on End Slow or Nextclues cordially detested the character Patton had described as a spoiled kid who plays with her beautiful brand new toy, speaking of Tomahawk (and his / her super zicos cults poached by Mike), in fact it is exactly that, so it is like those candy son carrera stock in and feeling obliged to lean on the door by throwing glances falsely casual, generally you do not need to brag in a nice car because her class is required to itself for all to see, say that Mike can not help it, it is his nature, he is human and humans with what we always say weaknesses (what a man normally constituted, for example, do not resist the beautiful Jennifer mh arm, left alone to enjoy over pathetic complacency? punchline), and then he's happy to be put in its place, not everyone has the opportunity to make engine glow of Jesus, there are children starving in the Third World, even if sham it or break it, again you will be charmed or amused and a little sorry for him, at worst he tapped gently on the head, reminding him that the reverse is not only to paint the mustache .. . tuture pretty but saves the case, and the ball superstar slicked attaching / sucks that leads to the beautiful ecstatic grin and gloat and try to make him take corners too slalomesques for traction or strive to cram the Latin where there is no need, in short, s' leaning against the door with a margarita when a simple gin-Perrier case would be ample, it Roxe with class, when he does that purring sound of the engine that sweet love most finally, the little cousin. It's a shame for all those who still loved him so much stick to one, this motherfucker son of a bitch small wanker buddy of my balls to Zorn pretentious creative jazzmen pissing ... for once it is already within range of your claws, too far, too high.
look with your binoculars, you may see a major taut is his style.


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