Friday, February 5, 2010

Types Of Card Stacking

When the time come to have godchildren "referrals" that click for you! You're new

Identify yourself if this is not done.
Open your account by clicking on your user not
In the right pane, click "rent referrals"
You choose the number of "referral" that you want to rent.
If you do not have money in your "renting balance (the account that you used to book your" referrals ", click" ad fund "(add funds) and then" Main Balance "is the account who is credited by your clicks, you transfer the amount you want.
And now you can book your "referrals," they are you awarded in minutes.

To check their status: click on your name and your account is opened, you click on Rented a table listing the status of your referrals opens, here you can manage their investments. The last column shows as non-AVG (averange) the average daily devos referrals clicks. If you are a referral autopay cost you $ 0009 per day and you earn 0.005 $ / click so it has to do 1.8 clicks per day on average for you to repay the cost of its location otherwise it earns you nothing but it also costs you money. Watch lending those with less than 1.8 AVG if he keeps 3-4 days in rank they must recycle: Select the referrals that you want to recycle by clicking the box next to its line down the page a drop down menu offers several options: I want to recycle 'em, in French: I want to recycle those, you click on it, this operation will cost $ 0.08 per referral.


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