Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sample Letters Bradband Disconnection

A little background. If you like you can tell me.

Rural Development
The challenge to food The Isle-aux-Grues
Lanciné Bamba, agronomist
The Isle-aux-Grues is located in the heart of the St. Lawrence River, Noro Montmagny.
It occupies an area of 26.4 hectares with a population of 176 inhabitants. If I'agriculture there remains
I'activité most important economic, the cheese remains the engine of this economy.
Agriculture occupies 36% of the territory. There are 11 producers, including 10 in milk production. In addition
the 938 hectares under cultivation, farmers operate approximately sixty acres in Isle-aux-geese, property of the Corporation
hunting links. From 1986 to 1997, the acreage has decreased by 18o / o.
forages occupy 78% of arable land, grain being destined for 22o / o remaining.
The 10 dairy farmers have 366 cows producing an average annual parvache
is estimated at 5 306 kg when she was only 3300 kg, ten years ago. All milk produced locally is shipped to
Cheese Cooperative Society I'lsle-aux-Grues. The consolidation of farms is not only due to
I'introduction new technologies on the farm but also to use
rational recreation and tourism sector as a provider of farm income, and processing of milk on the island
In 1975, following the closure of the creamery Montmagny, to the obligation imposed by the MAPAQ
transport milk by tank truck industry and the difficulty of transport milk from the island, the residents of the Archipelago
decided to create a cooperative society to operate a dairy
to transform their milk locally.
the dairy operations start in 1977 with a production of 620 kg of cheddar cheese.
In 1997, 200 000 kg of cheese are made by the airline for a turnover of 1.2 million dollars
. The production is done on an annual basis and is distributed in the Chaudière-Appalaches
, Quebec City and Montreal mainly. The cooperative has signed an agreement with the company
Princess lnc., Princeville, to put its products on store shelves
supply large areas.
The flow of products is done by sea in summer and air in winter.
processed products are either type pasteurized or preheated. Various sizes are available to the consumer
. In terms of varieties, there are cheese mild, medium and strong. This year, we just
integrate a new type of cheese with herbs in the production chain.
The cheese is the engine of economic I'activité I'lsle-aux'Grues. 6 In addition to creating jobs, it allows the consolidation
dairy farms and an increase in trade to Ille
I'approvisionnement for inputs and distribution of processed products. 1998.10.09

rndex agricultural vision
Updated du07102/00

Rachel Roland and me spent the writings of people mail since 1974 the literature on the project of a dairy following the closure of the creamery Montmagny. Our producers were forced to find a solution to the milk. I hope that by zooming you can read these writings and the whole process that ensued, with help nothing is impossible. By chance that people have put producers the hands-on when the project took shape I think the president Jean Dancause time to tour which started in the morning to find producers and their son available even if a big producer he's worked hard to get his ends. Not forget our first fromagier farm owner who also gave up his farm to make cheese and allow the company to his aid at home. I speak of Mr. Charles Vezina at dawn on his way to the cheese to make cheese and finished the day picking up milk from farmers and fourteen end his day by preparing its close I think for tomorrow, what brave man ready everything to the success of this company. Today everything running with 15 employees at work. Thank you to those people that the hours were not calculated.

It all started in 1974 and the cheese is built in 1975 to open its doors on Friday for the first of 1976 with guests producer It was a storm, if I remember correctly, if you have other things added send me your comments if I'm wrong.

The writing says it all really began May 5 with asssistant Rémi Guichard.

Charles had started the old cheese factory from 1948 to 1951

J hope you enjoyed this little back and here honors the men who did so much for us farmers time and quà succession today.

The First Secretary Ms. Clotilde Normand

The mayor was Mr. Gaby time Vezina.

Do not forget the grant by the Office of Planning in Quebec, the grant from the Department of LAgriculture Quebec and the Federal Ministry of Economic Development.

Thanks Mr. Adrien Lavoie of the UPA in charge of the project economist Raymond Couillard and establishing the feasibility study of the Department of Agriculture. Lambert MP, Mr Julien Giasson and Jean Garon minister from those I forget.


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