Tuesday, October 31, 2006

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is HALLOWEEN! ! Approach the great feast, the excitement rises: here, unhappy recipes Halloween! ... very evil Italian students

A Jack O'Lantern Chocolate.
Depending on the number of people, all you need is limited to 6 to 10 oranges and chocolate ice cream (or other flavor if you are ever unable to bear the sight of any piece of chocolate ...), and a good knife and a spoon.
1. First cut off the top of an orange as if to make a lid. (Exactly how you trim the top of a pumpkin to make a lantern Halloween , the principle is obviously the same.) 2. Then use a spoon to empty the contents of the orange as best you can. 3. Sculpting the face of Jack O'Lantern the ugliest or most fun, the choice is yours ... 4. Fill out your orange Jack O'Lantern with the famous chocolate ice cream (or other). 5. Put your "Jack O'Lantern Chocolate" in the freezer compartment of your fridge, or better, in a freezer until ready to eat as expected!
A loaf of pumpkin (or pumpkin). Mix ingredients
following in this order:
2 cups 2 / 3 sugar 2 / 3 of a cup of fat 2 cups mashed pumpkin (or pumpkin, which is generally sweeter and therefore taste better for this type of recipe.) 4 eggs 3.5 cups flour 2 / 3 of a cup of water 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder 2 teaspoons baking soda 1.5 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon of cloves Add the cloves
pretty decoction in 2 loaf pans (or cake). Bake in an oven at 350 degrees for one hour. And here are two nice loaves of bread, pumpkin!

Friday, October 27, 2006

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FOOD SAFETY !!!!!!!!!!

(at the initiative of the European Commission and supported by the European Parliament)

HAVE FUN! http://www.conso.net/securite_alimentaire_2002/home.html

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"For a dish to be successful, we need the relationship between the crisp and tender, between the bitter and sweet, of sweet and spicy, between wet and dry there and be subjected to the tension of these opposing pairs. Nobody is quite tolerant nor sufficiently inventive to meet the contrary, it is therefore necessary to open the path of smuggling, clandestinité.Les beets from the oven. I shower with vinegar nuts. Swiss chard rush into the skimmer, I sprinkled with lemon and pepper. My work plan is a battlefield: the seeds, stalks, giclures, stains, leaves, peels. While it piles up and sweats. The blood rose on a heart beet cucumber touched me. But I do not have time. I changed into Shiva and my back, my arms out additional ones going faster than my brain to store, absorb, sort, share, store. "Agnes Desarthe extract Eat Me Editions de l'Olivier.

Have you read the fine text? I propose to write short texts (team if you want ..) and ... describe the way food Agnes Desarthe!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

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Breakfast Marlies and his girlfriend Eva.

the morning, normally I get up at 6.45. I wash (I finished 7.00-7.05)
and then I eat a sandwich with chocolate and cornflakes.
Sometimes I do not eat much but I eat a piece of fruit.
I drink glasses of milk.
On Sunday I eat ' buns Special '
and I drink milk, but also sometimes I drink coffee.
(Sometimes I do not eat anything because I'm not hungry.)

My Breakfast starts at eight.
I eat some toast with chocolate. But behind
I eat a little yogurt.
To drink, I drink a glass of fruit juice.
Every morning I try to eat a piece of fruit.
For example: an apple, pear, ...

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To start the day!

Breakfast is an important meal, which should have nothing to "Small"! It is he who gives, after an overnight fast, the energy required to spend the morning ... without the stomach is growling. In addition, it actively contributes to the nutritional needs, including vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.

Did you know?
Several studies both in children than in adults have emphasized the importance of breakfast on the physical and mental performance later in the morning.

dietitians believe that breakfast should provide about 20 or
25% of energy intake for the day. This is a meal-type carbohydrate, which
a positive impact on the energy distribution of nutrients throughout the day
, including better control of the proportion of fat.

"I do not eat in the morning because ..."

"I'm not hungry"
Make your toilet before sitting down to eat, drink a glass of water or juice just before eating. If you have to force yourself at first, you'll see we'll eventually get used to, and even not being able to do without!
"I do not have time"
Make a breakfast table the night before, get up earlier, and tell you that breakfast is not a waste of time: you help give the best of yourself in the morning.

All these information can be found in the guide PNNS ( P lan N ational N UTRITION S earlier) in Belgium!
https: / / portal.health.fgov.be / portal / page? _pageid = 56.7422388 & _dad = portal & _schema = PORTAL

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adolescents Adolescence is a period of significant nutritional needs. Now is the time when behaviors, particularly dietary change ... The bodily changes are also psycho-emotional and social as beyond the strictly nutritional needs. Eating behavior make sense especially among the young in search of identity and belonging to a group.

are beginning to eat more frequently outside, among the same age. Surveys show that the pleasure of eating is not very important at this age but that social contacts are incurred. As in other areas, the eating habits of adolescents are strongly influenced by group, by fashion or by a certain body image, especially for girls.

We offer exchange on that, by comparing our lifestyles and cultures: LOOKING ON FROM U.S. TO GET TO KNOW BETTER our reality .... that you say?

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teenagers from ... our food!

"Reality is a food at first," said Gaston Bachelard. We know that this is true for behind the table manners and culinary practices, experience nutritional always expresses a certain relation to the world .... it feeds our psychological states!
We would suggest that you share that ... a thousand ideas, a thousand subjects .... at work!

Friday, October 13, 2006

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WELCOME ... We Federico, Anna and Valentina .. We are studying the French for 2 années.Nous amon music and summer ...

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Sara and Alice

Hello we are Sarah and Alice and we Abiton in livorno.
I'm Alice, I love dance and music of all kinds ... see you soon!
ciao! I'm Sara, I love volleyball ..
we put our email address in a message to share!

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Hi everyone! We
Beatrice, 15 October 23, and Chiara, 15 years last April ... we live in Livorno ... We go to high school language "Francesco Cecioni" and we studied French for 4 years because - as we have studied the language since high school ... We love the sport
: Beatrice makes classical dance, modern and hip - hop and Chiara making volleyball ...
beatrice & chiara ...

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Luca Tommaso

Hello we are and Luca Tommaso we have 15 years. We are very pleased to work with you. We are 2 football fanaticism, we put our email address in a message to share.