Sunday, January 30, 2011

Laser-spine Complaints

(Giannoli, 2009) The usefulness

Either way it's done to my face ... M'enfin, what took me to see a film with François Cluzet? I had to have the distance (but tough) recollection of his delivery jealous neurotic Chabrol in Hell, that must be it ... not that I abhor the brave Francis, but we can not say whether the latest actor in the genre-indicative "French film preppy that will leave you a taste of endive cooked you lose 90 minutes of your life. "

I do not bother to get a detailed description of the Beginning (I might end up like Francis, the more tired of life that the most tired of koalas). Let's just to be as faithful as possible in reality it is a fantasy sempiternétunième Authoring comforts of home on the ambiguity of the human, human relationships, this between us and releases us of our faults and our strengths that can sometimes confused lorsqu'alors this absurd and destructive act provided that salvation flowed the purest beauty ... So, "hero or crook"? Here's a question we do not care. The first ten minutes are not yet catastrophic, putting ourselves in the foot bath, the snout of this sad and depressing day without any form of Preamble presentation. But it spoils quickly, and advance unless it believes ...

"I'm tired! I have maaaarre whore! Bweuheuheuh'm fucking ... you know! I'm going through my trip, let me brave worker, let me deeper into the muddy depths of despair and hopelessness ... I must finish that counts ... the last image that humanity will have it with me ... does not matter if WE ALL DIE ... "

"No, do not say that Mr. Francis! it's just the earth, it washes!

If the supporting cast are all provided free of excessive gambling typically franchouillard we hope to be feared as much (everyone perfectly embodies his character with credibility and a natural at every moment), it puts forth bold representation before the Social clogs, sort of a bad parody of Ken Loach, in which case the social cons and naive, and wrong clothes smoking shit in front of TF1 (I exaggerate a little, in fact it concerns only a very short scene - but oh task), believe in a miracle and confide wholly in the hands of their messiah angel who will issue a minimum wage no less providential - a messiah who has yet to air early as enthusiastic and spirited farting a suicidal homeless from bereaved to undergo a quadruple ablation scholarships. They have put in place of Francis, the guy who played Ian Curtis in Control, it would have been better not messed up. One of our proles-followers, a little less stupid and naive as the rest of the pack, however, will create a shade, summarizing finely thought highly of the real philosphy: "at least we will have experienced something even if it Giving false "- or something in this style here. The village mayor and mistress of the trickster-hero, however, will fall from the clouds revealing the hoax, blinded by her love without doubt ... I must say that with a man as bright as the brave Francis, also ...

Where repeat the facts as such (because it is a true story, I forgot to mention - as I said at the beginning, I had tried) was well more efficient (the pathological liar in question has just started a half-meter site and not a complete piece of road - with a dozen workers), the Real prefers to dive into this fascinating little delirious and effete, as the site in question is unclear how it looks in the end, and how guys are progressing, too confusing and too vague (ok at the beginning is the earth and after we see bitumen and beautiful lanterns, but it's not at all), unless this is precisely what makes the originality of delirium, this mad rush towards the useless, work towards the nothing ... it's a boring little common in every way. Add to this warm finding a partition completely silky post rock hard in the wind, Depardieu Ugly supposed to symbolize the guilt of our heroes, fantasy or real (as Clare Quilty's poor), arriving and departing as a fart, and you get a very nice little French film disposable, finishing shots in dumper the good feeling the most soluble.
"yes ... and if it was that finally, the ultimate goal ... to follow through even if it means nothing! For the nice gesture! For everything started to ... and everything must end ... ah, I'm exhilarated! for me, glory and posterity! "
Emmanuelle Devos, always between natural grace and ragnagna Florentine (not the cake way) depending on the angle, is perhaps the only one to give a semblance of interest, strangeness of this spirited wreck, and I may have discovered something about her charm nauseous, not knowing what. I'll soon be able to put a final word on this "1 quart 1 quart erection repulsion 1 quart 1 quart mercy of indifference" that characterize more than any other actress? One day, who knows - and then I know maybe what is happening behind the ingenious ingratitude and the familiar face of this inexplicable and that voice, reminding me of the kind of feverish fiddling class ninny in a broom closet at the Sorbonne.


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