Thursday, February 25, 2010

Zopiclone Fatal Overdose How Much

Notes blog-Pierre Grignon moved

Blog-Notes moved on Wordpress platform and it is HERE it happens now. For archival purposes, I will leave the Blogger version online since many other sites refer to it.

I therefore expect you to another place!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Definition Of Acrostic Poem

I'm TUNISIAN like you! I received my check for $ 34.05 and there I met the $ 765,770 !
NO upfront investment!
For what it Neobux

The proof picture:

and you might as well claim your payment by money order or bank transfer is accepted Tunisia ! a golden opportunity to have additional income !
To access a map Master Card FREE see our special page: newborn chez.html

That's the Master Card that I received:

MegaBuzz Gagner de l'argent avec Neobux !

how to make money with Neobux?

NeoBux is a PTC site (P ay T o C lick, you get paid to click on advertising links) for instant payment. Once you reach the payment threshold ($ 2) you can apply for payment from PayPal or AlertPay. You get paid in the next second!

NeoBux figures
  • Value of click: $ 0.01
  • clicks daily: 4-13
  • Sponsorship: 50%
  • Number of members: More than 100 000 members!
  • Payment Threshold (amount has reached to request a payment): $ 2
  • Payment: Alertpay (then you choose to make a bank transfer or request a money order via Alertpay , my check arrived home in Tunisia by mail in just days! )

More info

NeoBux is currently the industry leader of PTC worldwide with over 100,000 members worldwide.
NeoBux soon became a standard for all TPC that work well in that time have taken the same concept: instant payments, 50% of sponsorship for free members / free, need to be active in reaching gains sponsorship.

How to register on Neobux:

You must first have an account (free) in Alertpay to be able to transfer your winnings after each payment!
I guide you step by step to register a Alertpay :

AlertPay is a payment processor, it acts as a door monaie anywhere.
You can add funds to this account through bank transfer or credit card. The advantage of the system was that the person you set, does not know any of your banking details. You can also receive money from this account from anyone, just connect to your creditor's email address your account. Open the page
Alertpay clicking here
At the top right click on "sign up".
On this new page you must choose your country and type of account you want to open. An account "personal starter" will suffice.
You arrive on the registration page, you will need to fill out the following:
First name: your name (exple "Walid")
Last name: your name (exple Ben Hadj Amer)
Address: your address (exple "13 Rue Ibn Battuta)
City: your city (exle "Ennasr)
Country: your country (eg" Tunisia ")
Region : your area (eg" Ariana ")
ZIP / Postal Code : your postcode (eg "2048")
Country Of Citizenship : your nationality (eg "Tunisia")
Primary phone: your main phone (one phone number is mandatory exple 00 216 71 XXX)
Work Phone: Optional
Mobile phone : optional
Occupation: your profession
Date of birth : your date of birth
Click next and continue filling out the form
Email address: Your email address
Password: Password
Re-enter password : Confirm your password
PIN Transaction: For all payment transactions you must have a minimum 4-digit pin code.
Re-enter PIN transaction : retype your pin
Security Question 1: You must choose from the dropdown a security question that you will retrieve your password, or in case you lose them.
You can create yourself your own question in the box Create your question.
Security 1 answer: answer the first question.
Security question 2: Same as the first question
Security answer 2: answer the second question
Thirties party : click no, it applies only to U.S.
Type the code you see in the image
User Agreement : Accept terms of use, after reading course.
And finally click on the Register .
On the next page you should check your data if you want to change something tap Modify. If everything is correct, click Continue Registration. A validation email has been sent to you and in this mail, you must click on a link to continue the registration process. This link takes you to a page with your email address, type your "password" (password) and click Submit.
Now you can now log into your account Alertpay!

Now we will proceed to open an account Neobux
Click this link to go Neobux

On the page that opens you have two parts: one green, for advertisers and yellow is for you: Click on "register now " in the yellow part.
Here we are:
" username" is your username, your choice. The
" password" is of course the password.
Confirm your password.
Enter your email address
Then the email address of your account AlertPay.
If you do not have an account AlertPay you can open one right away by clicking here

Neobux asks for your "Birth Year " (date of birth) for security in case you lose your password.
Then in "image verification " you must copy the 5 letter code you see in the image below.
Click "continue".
You will receive an email with an activation link.
You must click this link and you will be saved.
Now your turn!

Start earning money with Neobux:

Once your account is activated you can start to click on ads and thus make money! Return on
Neobux , then click "login". Type
vote no and your user code.
There is a second box to fill appointed second password: if you do not choose to put one does not fill this box.
fill the verification code with the 5 letters you see in the image below.
and click "submit."

The page opens showing the ads you have to click today.
top right of your user is not displayed, If you click it you access your account.
Among the links located above your username, the link "View Advertisements " is the most important because it referred to the page of your ads (called "ads"), the day is By that you must go to click and then start earning money!

Your first clicks!

Remember that you must click every day.
Click the first link: a red dot appears (this is a security against cheaters who use bots or macros to do clicks for them.)
A window (watch your browser must allow popups opening: Firefox: tools, options, content, uncheck the box to block popup windows on IE: Tools, Pop-up Blocker plubicitaires; disable Pop-up Blocker plublicitaires) opens, it is the announcement in the top portion reserved for Neobux, a scroll bar is progressing as it is complete, ie in 30 seconds a green symbol appears, you win $ 0.01. Well, nothing very complicated is accessible to all and all. You can skip to the next, until you have clicked on all pubs.

When it comes time to collect your winnings!

Identify yourself if this is not done.
Open your account by clicking on your user not
In the right pane, click "Request your payment.
Choose your account (AlertPay)
And then a few seconds later your AlertPay account is credited with the amount you've met!

I live in Tunisia, is it really possible to get paid from their account Alertpay?

My case is the proof! I received my payment by check via Alertpay in only a few days! (See the check above)
If you wish to receive your money by bank transfer is also possible, fees are $ 5, by postal order the expence are estimated at $ 15, so it is best to wait to arrive has an amount high enough to amortize the costs.

Number of clicks paying?

According to our tests, there is between 3 and 13 clicks per day paid

Types Of Card Stacking

When the time come to have godchildren "referrals" that click for you! You're new

Identify yourself if this is not done.
Open your account by clicking on your user not
In the right pane, click "rent referrals"
You choose the number of "referral" that you want to rent.
If you do not have money in your "renting balance (the account that you used to book your" referrals ", click" ad fund "(add funds) and then" Main Balance "is the account who is credited by your clicks, you transfer the amount you want.
And now you can book your "referrals," they are you awarded in minutes.

To check their status: click on your name and your account is opened, you click on Rented a table listing the status of your referrals opens, here you can manage their investments. The last column shows as non-AVG (averange) the average daily devos referrals clicks. If you are a referral autopay cost you $ 0009 per day and you earn 0.005 $ / click so it has to do 1.8 clicks per day on average for you to repay the cost of its location otherwise it earns you nothing but it also costs you money. Watch lending those with less than 1.8 AVG if he keeps 3-4 days in rank they must recycle: Select the referrals that you want to recycle by clicking the box next to its line down the page a drop down menu offers several options: I want to recycle 'em, in French: I want to recycle those, you click on it, this operation will cost $ 0.08 per referral.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dbz Kamehasutra Colored Read

Neobux? Here are some helpful tips

How to receive his Card Master Card for free and start making their withdrawals via ATMs in Tunisia and around the world!

The only small problem-that of money transfer Your AlertPay account to your bank account in Tunisia or recovering your money by check or money-which is pretty tedious to do, I found the solution and therefore I share it with you:

I registered on oDesk A freelance site (Supply and demand for development of computer programs), this site has already proven its reliability was when, you do not do anything apart subscribe via this link: http://www
. / referrals / track / belhasen
then go to menu "Payments" and choose how you want to be paid via "Payment Methods" you will find yourself as a payment method "Payoneer Debit Card", click "Go to Payoneer" and create an account with them, contact your exact coordinates of course.

You will receive your MasterCard card in a delay of a day at home, for free! in your mailbox with your name on it;)
You can use it to make purchases on the internet, bank transfer, withdraw money from any ATM in Tunisia and around the world!
And now I withdraw my money in my Alertpay account with my Master Card from any ATM in Tunisia:)

Another tip for those who are beginning to rent referrals who click on them and their relate Money:
This is not a guarantee that they all click, so has the end of each month, those who have an average click above to 1.8 repeat for another month, by that 1.8 is equivalent to 50 clicks in total which equates to $ 0.25 profit, so at least now you have lost nothing with the godson (rajja3na 7a99ou) because the rent was $ 0.25 godson