Sunday, September 19, 2010

Curtains Tied Back High Up

2012 (Roland Emmerich, 2009)

Not as dumb as I expected - so disappointing. Not as ugly as I expected - so disappointing. It was of course the usual batch of morons illuminated, the supporting cast purulent vulgarity flights Emmerich (here a big pig and Russian billionaire Woody "Mickey Knox" Harrelson in hippy harbinger of the Apocalypse), it was of course the right mix of watering so we almost feel sluggish in the smell, but the sauce is bland, the redneck in dire need of relief, flavor, punch - and Cusack is a real quiche mmmmh ... I tell you my sheep is very simple: the actor - whose eyebrows and bewildered expressions semi-semi-risotto fully justify the existence of the word 'genocide', 'holocaust', and 'disfigured by acid '- I went to each of his appearances tender and sympathetic against Hugh Grant and Vincent Cassel.
That's called an insult pachyderm.

pachyderm too, as so-called joker placarded in 4 heavy characters seem to want we trample peepers - but revealing, for his sobriety falsely monolithic truth, lack of imagination of our Teutonic megalomaniac baby (or Teutonic megalomaniac darling, it works well). Less impressive than Godzindependance Day, despite scenes of explosions across the nimpesque and likeable towers roller coaster through mountains and buildings in a state of imminent disintegration (of course it will benefit only if it has a screen size suitable ), less than Pharaonic Stargate (it's not a question of content pharaohs, no), less than avalanchesque The Day After, all that is actually a very condensed smooth that the brave Roland can do with his money: demolish cities ratiboiser mountains, to enjoy the ocean tsunami biggest blow of my cock to rest - and preserve as possible in this large fuck the nice doggies, because the dog is man's best friend says I was told when I was little ... In fact, the same level FX and action is not terrible, once past earthquakes and volcanoes all that is cushy and Quiche Cusack is even steal the show (we can easily imagine the kind of more ready to dock sewage outfalls that sttropez) by his kid, not the real one in the film eh, more unbearable that brat Spielberg, one of those expensive shrimp squealer in Hollywood with the potential to generate impulses infanticide seems inexhaustible - some mantras tit scalded by oil fryer have finished me off in my terrible and implacable certainty: Roland my good, you seriously softened the glans.