Friday, June 26, 2009

Big Juggs Milena Velba now officially online

webdo.c has now officially online. Click on the image to access the site.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Does Taylor Lautner Have A Lazy Eye

Calling all

Many people seek to communicate with the mysterious "Mr. Gauthier " who wrote an open letter urging Adélois to "wake up" and come to many meetings of the council. His letter, distributed to the mailboxes, did the trial of the revitalization of downtown adélois. One theory is that the author of this letter uses a pseudonym.

If there is a real Gauthier, I invite to contact me:

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sizes Of Bilateral Renal Cortical Cysts

Zeno Alary Museum: Annual Exhibition of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste

Museum Zeno Alary invites you to its annual exhibition at St John the Baptist.
In addition to the 250 carvings of animal sculptor Zenon Alary, the museum displays the works of two artists: Sylvie Brazeau

and Jean-Pierre St-Germain .

wine, cakes and coffee will be served.

June 24, 2009, from 13h to 20h

I urge you to visit this friendly museum. You will have the chance to meet its director, Simone Constantineau A lady
87 years old whose passion for the sculptor Zenon Alary has grown in the wild adventure of creating a museum with works of this sculptor adélois animal. Jean-Pierre St-Germain is also an avid commentator on this blog.

Museum Zeno Alary
1425 rue Claude-Grégoire
Sainte-Adèle (Mont-Rolland sector)

Photo: André Bérard
Cutting: Dominique Beauregard

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Harold Kumar Bottemless Party

Crater Sainte-Adèle

For over a year the Adélois live with a huge crater at the entrance of their village. As landscape offered during the tourist season, there's more. The most worrying thing is that I never see workers busy in that hole. In fact, maybe it's the new tourist attraction in the city: the crater of Sainte-Adele.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How Long Does It Take Temazepam

MRC des Pays d'en- Top: high speed target

The MRC des Pays d'en Haut currently holding a survey of all residents of the MRC. The goal is to provide a more accurate picture of Internet connections to all the inhabitants of the MRC des Pays d'en Haut can benefit from high speed Internet connection.

To complete the survey

Names For Computer College Group

A law against SLAPP

Bad news for some potentates municipal benefit for too long of loopholes in the law that allow them to blow out the flame of dissent wielded by ordinary citizens, environmental groups and even transmit and broadcast journalists points of view. Read the new


How will this new law she interpreted and applied, is the question.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Battery Parmesan Cheese Grater

Young advertising adélois

Luc Millette - who looks after my blog better than me - would like to draw your attention to a video produced by a group adélois students of high school-Augustin-Norbert Morin in the contest Turn your ad, for the protection of forests against fire! , organized by the Society forest protection against fire (SOPFEU).

You can encourage the student group adélois noting their video of 1 to 10 (ideally 10), by clicking HERE .

video of 57 seconds is entitled: "A little comfort Gabrielle Granger.

Happy viewing and congratulations to the students of the school-Augustin-Norbert Morin.