Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cubefield At Primary Games


I am pleased to publish, at his request, following review by Luc Millette, author of the blog deceased Adélois a book.

"We learned recently that the new nursing home in St. Adele appoint Eldercare Heights. We could do worse as a lack of originality, Eldercare Country d'en Haut, nursing home or nursing home Summits of Grignon. A simple Google search, we can see that the word "Heights" has been used in any number of ways, in many parts of Quebec. Why this name? Apparently because "there is a road connecting the municipality of Sainte-Marguerite-du-Lac-Masson that of Sainte-Adele and bears the name "path Heights" "Wow, had to think, cogitate for hours and look deep into the history of the region to find such a name. The funny thing is that the administration of the CSSS Country Upper Great Lakes had bothered to publish a contest inviting people to participate to find this famous name. We must believe that the forty proposals were not the taste of the five members of an obscure committee, which chose instead to take the name proposed by a person of the house. It would have been interesting, in my opinion, to disclose these proposals and especially to give our opinion or preference. But as usual it seems in our region, the elite has once again retained the privilege. "

Luc Millette

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rental Indian Wedding Dress

Land Protection Society of St. Adele

On 17 May at 10am the Society for the Prevention Division of Sainte-Adèle ( SPFSA ) will hold its annual meeting at the community center located at 1200 Claude Gregory Street in the Mont-Rolland.

On this occasion, Chantal Ladouceur MRC des Pays d'en Haut, a lecture: Regional Country Park Upper Great Lakes to serve the community : a vision of the future. Conference will be preceded by a presentation of Rémi Moreau : Trusts and nature reserves: tools for environmental protection.

All are welcome and admission is free

The SPFSA is a non-profit, non-partisan who is actively pursuing since its inception in 1991, its mission to protect natural areas in perpetuity for the benefit of community and future generations. She has over three hundred members and its board of directors is composed of 15 volunteers, business people and representatives of several professions, including biologists, engineers, accountants, insurance brokers, and a Councillor of the City of Sainte-Adele.

Source: Louise Lemyre, Vice-President SPFSA
Tel.: 450-229-6749