Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Costochondritis Anorexia was discovered how to create digital comics! and the idea came to us to invent all subjects from the same deposit and the same educational approach.

( very soon our online productions ..)

Determine As part of the story
To determine the main features of the story, students should start by answering these questions. This will allow them to camp in a narrative context before considering its course.
past, present, future ...
day, night, story that unfolds over one day, a week or more ...
familiar, exotic, unique, varied ...
realistic parody, epic ...
main character or group of characters, heroes ... what style
what is the triggering event in history? Idea
The goal is to find an initial situation of balance: there is a problem he'll have to solve. This is the trigger, which may be gay or sad, funny or scary ... Some examples: a loss, theft, a strange letter, a stranger, a nice surprise ... Once the idea is found, then a note or two lines.

Synopsis From the initial idea, we develop the synopsis, that is to say the story told in one page, a page and a half. The development of the synopsis is to create the steps that mark a return to equilibrium: the unbalanced situation has regained its balance.
Background> transformation (s)>
final situation is a summary of what will be the photo novel, its structure, its skeleton. It is from this small text will develop the screenplay. In practice
Expand Opening:
listing the characters, time, place
book initiating the conflict (initial situation)
creates the atmosphere (stage exposure to the theater). Expand
briefly the main characters and places. Rate
in order all the actions (sequences) that constitute the story from beginning to end.